NEWS: survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..

Telecoms & utilities Chatbots

List of all chatbots (virtual assistants, chat bot, conversational agents, virtual agents) in the World - Telecoms & utilities - Connectivity (internet, landlines, mobile phone, wireless) and natural resources delivered to the home (water, electricity & gas)
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent TIA 1. Splošno o podjetju Telekom Slovenije:

Sedež podjetja
Odnos Telekoma Slovenije do okolja
Zaposlitev v Telekomu Slovenije
Stranke Telekoma Slovenije

2. Naročniki:

Razčlenjeni račun
Strošek opomina
Naročniško razmerje
Aneks za Mobitel

3. Prodaja:

Kako postanem naročnik storitev Telekoma Slovenije
Akcijska ponudba SiOL/ Akcija SiOL
Akcijska ponudba mobitelov
Sodelovanje v programu zvestobe/ Program zvestobe

4. Tehnična pomoč:

Sporočilo o odsotnosti
Hitrost interneta
Pošiljanje MMS-ov
Uporaba Integrala
Pozdravni nagovor v telefonskem predalu

Emilie a chatbot representing Numericable

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Emilie Disponible sur le site d'assistance de Numericable, Emilie offre aux abonnés un support immédiat et en temps réel 24h/24 en qualifiant et traitant automatiquement les demandes des abonnés concernant les connexions, installation, facturation...
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent FAQ Agent Wirtualny Agent FAQ stanowi interaktywną pomoc dla użytkowników serwisu Freeconet. Prowadzi on użytkowników po stronie i rozwiązuje ich problemy, tym samym zwiększając sprzedaż oraz obniżając koszty obsługi klienta. Dodatkowe cechy, takie jak przetwarzanie języka naturalnego czy auto-uzupełnianie czynią Agenta FAQ przydatnym, wydajnym narzędziem.

Ewa a chatbot representing Enea

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Ewa ENEA to jedna z największych firm branży energetycznej w Polsce, której dążeniem jest rozwój i poszerzenie zasięgu odbiorców swoich usług. Aby osiągnąć ten cel koncern zażyczył sobie aby w czasie trwania targów Enex 2011 częścią ich stoiska był chatbot. Informował on zainteresowanych na temat ofert firmy, dawał porady oraz zachęcał do proekologicznego podejścia do korzystania z zasobów energetycznych. Zwiedzający mogli porozmawiać z chatbotem używając ekranu dotykowago lub klawiatury, mając do dyspozycji wyświetlone menu z 5 głównymi tematami.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Wirtualny Doradca Moduł Wirtualnego Doradcy InteliWISE osadzony jest w dziale pomocy serwisu Wirtualny Doradca odpowiada na pytania użytkowników dotyczące oferowanych domen, stron i sklepów internetowych, serwerów, kont pocztowych oraz związanych z nimi usług.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Pascale Pascale beantwoordt vragen van (potentiele) klanten van
Ze geeft informatie over bestellen, verzendkosten, betalen in termijnen, de "Mijn Neckeramann" account, het NEX spaarsysteem, etc.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Charlie Charlie is AT&T’s new customer service representative, available 24/7. She currently answers frequently asked questions about Wireless billing and payments, DSL Internet email setup and connectivity, and U-verse remote control. She is able to provide personalized assistance when a user logs into their AT&T account. Charlie is continuously expanding her range of topics and will soone be able to answer questions about Wireline/Home Phone issues.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Susan Susan is a Virtual Assistant active within the ChatStat website. She is a customer service agent that provides information about ChatStat's offer.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Even Canal Digital er den største TV-distributøren i Norge og den nest største bredbånddistributøren. Canal Digital opererer også i Sverige, Danmark og Finland.

Teneo Virtual Assistant leveres av Artificial Solutions og heter "Even" og hans mål er å svare på spørsmål knyttet til TV, internett og telefon. "Even" har en herlig personlighet og et stort smil som han vil vise deg hvis du skriver "fortell en vits".

"Even" er også tilgjengelig på kontaktskjemasiden, der Canal Digital har implementert Teneo EmailOptimizer. Når brukeren skriver sitt spørsmål, vil "Even" sjekke kunnskapsbasen sin og foreslå et passende svar før brukeren trykker på "send"-knappen.

Protected Kate a chatbot representing AT&T BusinessDirect

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Kate Customers visiting the AT&T BusinessDirect Portfolio will be able to click one of the "Ask Kate" icons, appearing in various places throughout the website, and open a chat window to enter their question, just as if they were chatting with an agent. Kate provides a friendly, immediate written and spoken response, creating a personal and interactive experience. From deals on devices, to finding applicable discounts and getting answers to questions about service contracts, Kate can provide the same high-touch service available from call-center representatives.

For example, when a customer needs help upgrading their device, Kate will guide them through the selection process, making the buying experience personal and easy.

The technology behind Kate provides a conversational interface that goes beyond the traditional natural language processing employed by most avatars and virtual agents. Kate has the ability to understand the intent of phrases and the context in which questions are asked, guiding customers to information and offers relevant to them. She's even able to navigate users to the most helpful web pages and provide additional links to related information. For difficult questions, Kate will ask clarifying questions to help locate answers quickly.

The business-savvy virtual agent is integrated with the other real-time support options. If a customer needs to speak to an agent, the agent has access to the chat with Kate, eliminating the need for the customer to re-explain the query. Not only is Kate able to interact with customers on a variety of subjects; she also has her own opinions — including plans on how she will spend her retirement.
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