NEWS: survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..

Telecoms & utilities Chatbots

List of all chatbots (virtual assistants, chat bot, conversational agents, virtual agents) in the World - Telecoms & utilities - Connectivity (internet, landlines, mobile phone, wireless) and natural resources delivered to the home (water, electricity & gas)
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Joost XS4All beantwoordt door middel van chatbot functionaliteit vragen van bezoekers van de support pagina's. XS4all wordt gezien als de beste ISP in Nederland.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Jenny Jenny, an animated avatar created to be a likeness of an actual call centre agent, provides help on the Virgin Media website for existing customers and potential new customers. The Creative Virtual team created this V-Person™ with Site Context in order to offer reliable information for both National and Cable Broadband customers.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Frank Frank answers all of your Verizon customer service support questions.

i8 a chatbot representing Jiangsu branch, China Mobile

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent i8 i8在线客服机器人是上海赢思软件技术有限公司为江苏移动开发的智能客服机器人。移动客户可以登录江苏公司网站,点击"爱帮在线",即可向其咨询各类业务问题。"爱帮"机器人掌握了9000条移动业务知识点,基本覆盖了客户来电咨询的各类常规信息。碰到答不上的问题,"爱帮"也可人性化地让客户选择转向网上人工客服或进入"移动问答社区"。后台管理人员每日会根据客户提问的知识点进行"爱帮"机器人的信息更新与维护,使"爱帮"的大脑更加聪颖、充实。

TEPSON a chatbot / chatterbot representing Telekomunikacja Polska S.A.

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent TEPSON TEPSON - Wspólne przedsięwzięcie Zakładu Sterowania Robotów w Instytucie Automatyki Politechniki Łódzkiej oraz Stanusch Technologies, którego celem jest zbudowanie robota na rzecz Telekomunikacji Polskiej S.A. (największego polskiego operatora telekomunikacyjnego) . Projekt ma charakter naukowo-badawczy. Firma Stanusch Technologies odpowiedzialna jest w projekcie za moduł przetwarzania języka naturalnego, rozpoznawanie twarzy oraz moduł integracji z innymi modułami systemu. W komputerze sterującym robota zainstalowaliśmy chatterbota wyposażonego w bazę wiedzy ogólnej oraz bazę wiedzy specyficznej wskazanej przez TP S.A., który przybrał postać animowanej twarzy.
Celem projektu jest weryfikacja możliwości wykorzystania przetwarzania języka naturalnego do komunikacji z robotem. Istotnym elementem projektu jest zbadanie odbioru społecznego i reakcji osób na interfejs głosowy oraz system dialogowy robota testowanego w warunkach naturalnych.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Lucie Lucie est l'Agent Virtuel de Support en Ligne des services de téléphonie mobile et Internet de SFR. Lucie oriente et assiste les clients 7j/7 24h/24 et effectue aujourd'hui plus de 700 000 conversations par mois. Lucie également est capable d'effectuer directement un certain nombre d'opérations avancées grâce à une intégration poussée avec le système d'information de SFR.
Enfin, Lucie a réduit la charge du centre d'appel et à permis à SFR de gagner des points sur le taux de résiliation en transmettant les coordonnées des personnes intéressées par une résiliation.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Answers noHold Virtual Agents assist Blackberry RIM customers in finding the answers to their questions.

Adam a chatbot / virtual agent representing Essex and Suffolk Water

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Adam Synthetix successfully launched its third Virtual Agent deployment into the Utilities sector for the organisation delivering water and sewage services within the south east of England, Essex & Suffolk Water.

Visitors to can click on "Ask us" and are greeted by one of several smartAgents (selected at random) who are there to answer queries twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. The smartAgent has been implemented to improve the customer experience and reduce the routine inbound enquiries to the Essex & Suffolk Water contact centre and thus saving costs.

Simon a chatbot / virtual agent representing Northumbrian Water

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Simon Synthetix successfully launched its second Virtual Agent deployment into the Utilities sector for the organisation delivering water and sewage services within the north east of England, Northumbrian Water.

Visitors to can click on "Ask us" and are greeted by one of several smartAgents (selected at random) who are there to answer queries twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. The smartAgent has been implemented to improve the customer experience and reduce the routine inbound enquiries to the Northumbrian Water contact centre and thus saving costs.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Bella Ask is the virtual assistant of Cincinnati Bell, a leading provider in Wireless, Internet, and Home Phone service. Ask is knowledgeable in all things Cincinnati Bell, including set-up instructions, sales assistance, and troubleshooting.
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