NEWS: survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..

Telecoms & utilities Chatbots

List of all chatbots (virtual assistants, chat bot, conversational agents, virtual agents) in the World - Telecoms & utilities - Connectivity (internet, landlines, mobile phone, wireless) and natural resources delivered to the home (water, electricity & gas)
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Virtueel Team Energiedirect heeft een heel Virtueel Team die de klantvragen online beantwoord. Het Virtueel Team weet alles over de producten van In het ingelogde domein helpt het Virtueel Team de klant bij vragen over het doorgeven van meterstanden, betalingen en voorschotten.

Amy a chatbot / virtual agent representing Shaw

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Amy Shaw Communications introduced Ask Amy, to the world in December 2009 and she is doing a fantastic job. You can ask her how much it costs to call Ireland with your digital plan, what is on TV tonight, or even what bundle is best for you and she will immediately answer your question in a pleasant and helpful way. ("Amy" also has a great personality so feel free to ask her about her favorite movie or vacation!) In addition, Next IT and Shaw implemented an internal "Super Amy" who has been supporting over 5,000 Shaw contact center agents for eight months, improving operational efficiency while providing a better customer experience.

Ffion a chatbot representing Dwr Cymru Welsh Water

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Ffion Synthetix has launched a multilingual Virtual Agent, its fourth deployment into the Water Utilities sector for Dwr Cymru Welsh Water. The company provides water supply and sewerage services to over three million people living and working in Wales and some adjoining areas of England. They have 1.2 million household customers and over 110,000 business customers making them the sixth largest of the 23 regulated water companies in England and Wales.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Virtuele assistent De Virtuele Assistent van Tele2 helpt je met vragen en problemen rondom de dienstverlening van Tele2. Naast het verlenen van service, zal de Virtuele Assistent je ook adviseren bij het aansluiten van een nieuw abonnement.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Ewa Ewa to wirtualny doradca firmy Beyond. Datacenter jest najnowocześniejszą serwerownią w Polsce, oferującą kompleksową obsługę w zakresie utrzymania zasobów informatycznych oraz transmisji danych. Ewa posiada ogromną wiedzę na temat firmy dla której pracuje. Potrafi opowiadać o ofercie firmy, historii powstania, referencjach, zdobytych nagrodach, a także o zabezpieczeniach przeciwpożarowych jakie posiada firma.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Arvato Virtual Assistant Arvato digital services is a vendor of integrated service packages for the video, audio, games and IT/technology sectors. Its service chain covers everything from post production and replication to fulfillment, from distribution/supply chain management and financial services to electronic content distribution, all backed by end-to-end IT systems. Virtual Assistant helps clients to find their passwords, account numbers and other crucial information.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Somos Messenger Siempre Es una agente de información sobre el servicio móvil de Windows Live Messenger. Su principal función es guiar a los usuarios en el proceso de registración del servicio, y aclarar consultas en relación al uso de Messenger vía SMS, para que los usuario puedan chatear con sus contactos desde sus teléfono móviles. El motor posee un lenguaje localizado para interpretar y resolver las inquietudes según la región donde se aplique. Actualmente se encuentra funcionando para Argentina, Chile, Colombia y Venezuela.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Veronique Greetinq introduces new and innovative voicemail services. Veronique answers all questions about Greetinq and its services.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Penny Penny, Verizon’s payroll support agent, answers questions on the internal Verizon Payroll site and is very popular with employees. Surveys rate her performance at 40+ percent call avoidance.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Customer Support Agent The Verizon Business V-Person™ is located within the secure log-in area of the site and is personalized for the user. The avatar is based on a photo of a current Verizon employee.
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