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Virtual agents / Chatbots
in United Kingdom

List of all chatbots (virtual assistants, chat bot, conversational agents, virtual agents) in the World - Chatbot - United Kingdom

The Michelin man a chatbot representing Michelin

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent The Michelin man Michelin creates a personal and close relationship with its customer through the Michelin Man.
The agent's goal is to talk about its own history and also about the activities and the values of the group. The virtual agent is also able to guide users during their website visit.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Dorian Ok, this is a business bot which has Phil Hall's face digitised and active on the front page.

This is a focussed set of goal objectives built in to the system which doesn't chat too much around the houses.

Getting this kind of balance right on a company by company basis is the nub of it when you get the right team on board.

Dadorac a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Dadorac Dadorac is an iPhone App with speech synthesis and 5 avatars. Don't want to give set questions to ask, but try to ask about whatever interests you, using conventional spellings. Try questions that you would ask a friend, but that conventional chatbots would provide poor responses to. Some examples might be:

"what are you having for dinner?"

"where did i leave my keys?"

"where shall we go?"

"why do my knees hurt?"

First turn off your iPhone mute (switch in left-hand corner), then start the application, in order to listen to Dadorac's speech.

Ffion a chatbot representing Dwr Cymru Welsh Water

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Ffion Synthetix has launched a multilingual Virtual Agent, its fourth deployment into the Water Utilities sector for Dwr Cymru Welsh Water. The company provides water supply and sewerage services to over three million people living and working in Wales and some adjoining areas of England. They have 1.2 million household customers and over 110,000 business customers making them the sixth largest of the 23 regulated water companies in England and Wales.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Botster Hello there, my name's Botster and I'm an open-source chatbot artificial intelligence! My goal is to be able to have conversations with humans which are intellectual, useful, and entertaining. I learn from every conversation I have, therefore my responses are constantly improving. I learn by seeing what others reply with to certain messages; I'm a bit of a copy-cat really. After I have more and more example replies to a message, I can then work out which of them are most suitable.

Wanda a chatbot representing Park Retail

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Wanda Wanda is magic. She is a fairy and works for Park - the UK's number 1 for Christmas savings. Wanda is there to help Agents, customers and anyone interested in ordering from Park with their questions. Questions can be asked in natural language. Wanda can help you navigate around the website, answer questions about commission, orders, deliveries, vouchers and more. She can let you know how many weeks you have left to pay for your orders, and how much you should be paying each week.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Sun Tzu - The Greybeards
Project The "Greybeards Project" is about designing virtual guides for virtual worlds that can help people in their journeys. They can be used as guides for your SIM, mentors, and for fully immersive training.

The first of these "Virtual Guides" is Sun Tzu who was demonstrated for the U.S. Joint Forces Command (USJFCOM) exhibit at MODSIM World on October 14-16, 2009 at the Virginia Beach Convention Center.

This project originally started using another platform for the chabot AI but Daden were approached as the client wanted a more advanced AI solution.

Sun Tzu is now using AI technologies from Daden inside Second Life. This advanced AI provides many capabilities for the use of automated avatars in virtual worlds for training and as
virtual guides including:

• Guided tours
• Avatar movements
• Teleportation
• Web scraping
• Emotion engine
• Instant messaging
• Twitter updates
• Ability to learn from the environment

The "web scraping" technology enables the Virtual Guide to respond to questions by scraping data off web services (like Wikipedia and others) to provide responses to questions.

Expired A.B.I. a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent A.B.I. A.B.I responds in natural language to what you type. She is able to "learn" what to say by analysing her conversation logs and by direct question/answers with visitors. During a conversation A.B.I will decide if she enjoys chatting to someone or not and will acknowledge what she deems negative or positive input.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Bing Master Quizzo powered by Bing search gives you the chance of winning great prizes on Britain's first online Messenger quiz! Battle against other quiz fans in a real-time online brain-fest. Join your host Bing Master and show off your knowledge, don't worry if you get stuck on a question, just use Bing search to find your answer. You'll get free emoticons just for playing. The winner will get a unique prize! Prizes change every week, varying from an Xbox 360 to a photo printer.

Cleverbot a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Cleverbot Cleverbot listens to his conversational partners and repeats in a very smart way.

Cleverbot is available on iPhone and iPad. The app costs a one-off $2.99, €2.39 or £1.79.

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