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Virtual Agent Directory

List of all chatbots (virtual assistants, chat bot, conversational agents, virtual agents) in the World - Virtual Agent

London 2012 a chatbot / virtual agent representing The London Organising Committee for the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games Ltd

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent London 2012 Synthetix launched a smartAgent for the London 2012 Olympic website in early 2009. Visitors to the website can click on "? Ask a question" and are greeted by one of several virtual staff who are there to answer queries twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. The smartAgent has been implemented to improve the customer experience and reduce the number of routine inbound enquiries via telephone and e-mail.

The smartAgent technology allows site visitors to ask natural language questions whilst also navigating them around the website. The smartAgent has a diverse set of knowledge that is growing by the day, users can ask "How can I get tickets?","How can I get a job with you?","What does your logo represent", "I want to be a volunteer" or even "What sports will take place in the main stadium?".

The service is being used to analyse visitors' wants and needs by looking at the questions they ask. The use of the conversational logs and analysis allow customers to better served both online and offline. The conversation logs also ensure that the knowledge contained within the smartAgent is always up to date.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Bob Bob is an automated chat support service the provides start to end automated support for more than 10 million Incredimail users.

Bob is able to answer technical questions regarding the installation, operation and troubleshooting of the various Incredimail services.

Jane a chatbot / virtual agent representing Enterprise Inns

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Jane Synthetix launched its first smartAgent deployment in the Pub retail sector for Enterprise Inns Plc.

Enterprise Inns Plc is one of the largest leased and tenanted pub companies in the UK. It was formed in 1991 and now has over 7,000 pubs spread throughout England, Scotland and Wales. They have launched smartAgent on the corporate website to improve the online experience and reduce routine in-bound enquiries to their small customer service team. Specifically they wish to make the website easier to use, enhance the brand's trustworthy stance, ensure customers enjoy the online experience hence encourage return visits and finally improve feedback mechanisms so that the customer feels valued. Visitors to can click on "Got A Question" and are greeted by smartAgent "Jane" who is there to answer queries twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Billie De virtuele medewerker van is het eerstelijns contactkanaal voor klanten van Klanten kunnen hier terecht voor al hun klantenservice vragen. Door actief en gericht wedervragen te stellen, komt de agent tot een oplossing van een probleem of een antwoord op de vraag van de klant.
Wanneer contact met de klantenservice gewenst is, zal tijdens de conversatie een e-mail worden opgesteld. De klant hoeft dus geen e-mailformulier meer in te vullen.

Daarnaast is Billie ook actief via diverse andere kanalen, waaronder het WLM-kanaal (sinds 1 juli 2009). De focus ligt hier op de marketingactiviteiten, zoals het promoten van de huidige acties of presenteren van producten. Uiteraard kan Billie ook prima omgaan met service-vragen.

Anna a chatbot / virtual agent representing INFORNEXT

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Anna Anna to wirtualny doradca na stronie Biura Reklamy INFORNEXT. Anna jest reprezentantką swojej firmy, informuje klientów o bogatej ofercie kampanii reklamowych w internetowych mediach grupy kapitałowej INFOR PL S.A. Posiada wiedzę na temat działalności INFORNEXT, form reklamowych oferowanych klientom, jak również słowniczek pojęć używanych w języku reklamy. Główną funkcją Anny jest przekazywanie podstawowych informacji o produktach i rozwiewanie wątpliwości klientów zainteresowanych reklamą.

Ray a chatbot / virtual agent representing Cape Fear Community College

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Ray Deployed by IntelliResponse, ‘Ask Ray’ is Cape Fear Community College’s online student self-service solution. Ray allows students to ask questions online, therefore instantly providing the answer to students. In addition to answering the question asked, Ray provides a dropdown list of suggested questions, top ten questions and an avenue to further escalate to live help, should the student have the need. You can find Ray on the college’s website and Facebook page.

Scooter a chatbot / virtual agent representing Columbia College

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Scooter Scooter, Columbia College’s lively mascot, is the face of self-service for students at Columbia College. Students can ask Scooter a number of questions, and strives to return the one right answer for each respective question. Students can also select questions off the ‘Top 10 Questions’ section, situated on the right hand side of the page. Unlike an FAQ section, the top ten questions are dynamically populated, so they reflect the true top questions students and visitors are asking.

Lynn a chatbot / virtual agent representing Wessex Water

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Lynn Synthetix successfully launched what is believed to be the first Virtual Agent deployment into the Utilities sector for the organisation delivering water and sewage services within South West England, Wessex Water.

Visitors to can click on "Got a question?" and are greeted by smartAgent Lynn who is there to answer queries twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. The smartAgent has been implemented to improve the customer experience and reduce the routine inbound enquiries to the Wessex Water contact centre and thus saving costs.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent July July est conseillère en forfait mobile pour le site depuis fin 2008. Elle connait tous les opérateurs de téléphonie mobile et les 900 forfaits mobiles proposés sur le bout des doigts. Si vous êtes perdu elle vous oriente en 3 questions, elle est à même de vous proposer les forfaits qui conviennent le mieux à vos besoins.

Emma a chatbot / virtual agent representing Forbruger Europa

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Emma Emma er en online rådgiver som svarer på en lang række typiske spørgsmål om handel over grænserne. Det kan være spørgsmål om alt fra flyrejser og mistet bagage til leveringsomkostninger og fortrydelsesret. Hvis Emma ikke kan svare på netop dit spørgsmål, kan du ved at oplyse din e-mailadresse få svaret på e-mail.
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