NEWS: survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..

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Amélie a chatbot / virtual agent representing Cnamts

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Amélie Amélie a pour mission d'accompagner l'internaute dans sa navigation et l'assister dans le remplissage de formulaires. Son évolutivité permet de promouvoir les différentes offres de l'Assurance Maladie, en fonction des besoins et des actualités de l'organisme. L'Agent Virtuel VirtuOz pourra ainsi être intégré à différentes pages, fonctions et services du site, tout en restant pro-actif dans sa gestion des conversations

Joebot a chatbot / chatterbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Joebot Highlights:

• Joebot is the first WowWee robot that can be controlled by voice commands (Responds to key phrases)
• Joebot is like a wacky cartoon character full of jokes and hilarious comments!
• Joebot features joystick hands that allow you to control and program him
• Joebot features a fast and fluid walking motion
• "Shoot" Joebot down in Battle Mode using any IR remote controller and he plays a funny "death" scene
• In Beatbox mode, Joebot plays back up to 200 beats in a row!
• Program up to 40 steps into Joebot for playback
• Joebot can detect obstacles and avoid them on his own!
• Eyes and mouth light up when he talks


• IR Sensors allow Joebot to "see" most objects in front of him!
• Have Joebot watch for intruders in Guard Mode
• In Game mode, Joebot can play a Simon Says game with you!
• With his Dance Demo Joebot will show off his moves with one of his dance routines!
• In Patrol Mode Joebot will walk around freely and let you know what he thinks about his surroundings!
• Let Joebot entertain you with his hilarious Conversation Demo
• Joebot knows when he falls, and will even ask you for help!
• Volume control

Papá Noel a chatbot representing Chatea con Papá Noel

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Papá Noel Papá Noel es la versión hispana de Santa Claus.

Seguro, cálido y gentil, Papá Noel puede chatear con los visitantes de su sitio en todo momento. Él puede compartir buenos deseos Navideños, contar historias de su fábrica de juguetes, de su reno Rodolfo, etc. y desde luego recibir los pedidos de Navidad.

Él utiliza el cerebro de inteligencia artificial más avanzado desarrollado por BotGenes, el BG200K, el cuál es capaz de proporcionar respuestas a cientos de miles de expresiones en español, adaptado para responder a las características del personaje.

Expired Celeste a chatbot / virtual agent representing Ministerio de Turismo y Deporte de Uruguay

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Celeste Celeste es una simpática agente de turismo virtual para la atención automatizada de personas interesadas en conocer Uruguay. El personaje brinda toda la información necesaria para que los visitantes puedan disfrutar al máximo de sus vacaciones: principales playas, circuitos turísticos, recorridos culturales, centros termales, alternativas deportivas y recomendaciones sobre las actividades nocturnas de las ciudades.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Arianna E' possibile rivolgersi ad Arianna per domande inerenti Chorel e le sue attività.

Arianna risponde a tutte le richieste scritte in Linguaggio Naturale, fornendo la risposta e aprendo le pagine web riguardanti il contenuto trattato.
L’obiettivo più importante di Arianna è di gestire una comunicazione naturale ed immediata, così da avvicinare ogni tipologia di utente ai contenuti che si vogliono esporre.
La sua capacità, quindi, di rispondere ed approfondire ogni argomento, in modalità completamente automatica, risolve molte problematiche di gestione puntuale dell’informazione.

Expired Tina a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Intuit Canada

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Tina Intuit, named America’s Most Admired Computer Software Company by Fortune Magazine in 2009, uses a V-Person™ implementation to help customers on their Canada QuickBooks website.

Emma a chatbot representing Mentor Public Library

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Emma Emma the MPL Catbot is the Mentor Public Library’s virtual reference librarian. Emma helps our patrons by answering their questions about the library and by directing them to other online resources. (She just started answering reference questions, too!) Keeping with the long tradition of library cats, Emma has the appearance of a Maine Coon.

When Emma first appeared November 19, 2009, she answered a dozen pre-programmed FAQs. Six weeks later, her first artificially intelligent version went live. Since then, her knowledge has been increased to include library services, policies, hours and directions, links to online demos, and to other websites and databases. She has recently started passing searches to outside databases, opening a new window, and displaying the results. Developing virtual reference is a top priority at MPL; we are very excited that the Akron-Summit County Public Library is now working in partnership with us to further develop and implement this technology and will soon have a “Catbot” of their own.

Public response has been encouraging; Emma regularly receives marriage proposals and has accumulated quite a number of fans. Virtual reference has connected our library with a new group of users and has helped us to maintain services in a very tough economy.

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Claire Claire est l'Agent Virtuel Intelligent de support de l'éditeur de logiciel professionnels Ciel! La clientèle de Ciel étant constituée de professionnels, Claire est le premier agent conversationnel B2B en Europe! Claire permet au service clientèle de Ciel! d'étendre sa couverture le soir et le week-end. C'est un succès : 20% des conversations ont lieu le week-end et 30% le soir ou la nuit, hors des horaires d'ouverture du standard téléphonique.

Selin a chatbot representing Coca Cola

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Selin Kullanıcıları karaokeye davet eden Selin, bu davete onay aldığında MSN penceresinde karaoke uygulamasını aktive ediyor.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent RoboCoke RoboCoke a virtuális ügynöke. Menő buli és koncert ajánlatai vannak egész Magyarországra, képben van a legpörgősebb zenékkel a music store-ból, és információkat ad a nyereményjátékokban aktuálisan elérhető nyereményekről. Hogy még izgalmasabb legyen, még zenekvízt is játszatsz vele, vagy el tudja mondani a buli horoszkópod az estére. Ha a használata közben esetleg nehézségekbe ütköznél, akkor ott van, hogy segítsgen. Annyit kell tenned, hogy megkéredezed.
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