NEWS: survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..

Avatar Chatbots

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Jeannie Jeannie is a powerful virtual assistant and chatbot living inside android phones.

Protected Ines a chatbot / virtual agent representing Nespresso Club

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Ines Ines is a virtual agent of The Nespressso Club who helps members with subscribing online. In addition, you can ask her anything about the products and services offered by Nespresso, she gives you access to user information and registration at Nespresso Club and she assists you with connection issues and access to the merchant site.

ProtectedExpired Inés a chatbot / virtual agent representing Nespresso Club

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Inés Inès a deux principales missions:
- Assistance en ligne : aide à la souscription en ligne, assistance sur les problématiques de connexion et d'accessibilité au compte en ligne.
- Améliorer le taux de commande: Conseil des internautes sur les arômes et les capsules en fonction de leur goût

Dee a chatbot / virtual agent representing The Design and Technology Association

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Dee Dee may not be exactly like us, with blood coursing through her veins, but she is much more than a search facility and a traditional FAQ.

She is actually pretty clever. Not only does she have a conversation with you - you type in a question in your own words and she provides you with an answer - but she will also lead you to the relevant page on our site, log the entire process, note and report on information gaps and build a profile of our users for us.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Maggie Maggie is a Virtual Agent embedded into the Magellan Customer Support page that can solve end-user questions about troubleshooting, set-up, and more.

Maggie provides Magellan customers with the most interactive and diagnostic Virtual Agent experience available.

Expired Yello a chatbot / virtual agent representing Páginas Amarillas

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Yello Yello es la mascota digital de Páginas Amarillas y Blancas, un gran ojo virtual que facilita a los usuarios la localización de comercios y personas a través de consultas online, de un modo rápido y cómodo, sin que deban abandonar las plataformas en las que se encuentran interactuando con sus contactos.
El contenido que se entrega es acorde al medio por el que se consulta, de modo de explotar al máximo las prestaciones de cada canal.
Yello puede buscar por nombre, en el caso de comercios también puede hacerlo por rubro o tipo de negocio; y para la localización de personas, por dirección o teléfono.
Su apariencia única y su participación activa en las diferentes redes sociales donde participa le confieren una identidad propia, con comentarios frescos y divertidos. Esto le ha permitido sumar una gran cantidad de amigos y seguidores.

Dadorac a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Dadorac Dadorac is an iPhone App with speech synthesis and 5 avatars. Don't want to give set questions to ask, but try to ask about whatever interests you, using conventional spellings. Try questions that you would ask a friend, but that conventional chatbots would provide poor responses to. Some examples might be:

"what are you having for dinner?"

"where did i leave my keys?"

"where shall we go?"

"why do my knees hurt?"

First turn off your iPhone mute (switch in left-hand corner), then start the application, in order to listen to Dadorac's speech.

Expired R.I.V.K.A a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent R.I.V.K.A R.I.V.K.A. is a bot available on a variety of mobile platforms, which include iPhone and Android based mobile devices. The program has a 2,5 star rating on the AppStore. The experience of chatting with R.I.V.K.A. is a bit static at first (you have to take the initiative), but after some time the bot starts asking questions by herself too. Funny experience was when she started to give hints about a certain handsome Computer Programmer, couldn't figure out who she meant though.

The program requires a working internet connection, so it seems the answers are requested from a remote server.

Moodimonitor a chatbot / chat bot representing Childline

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Moodimonitor MoodiMonitor is a chatbot created for young people who want express their feelings through a confidential channel. The chatbot asks users a series of questions to find out how he can aid them whenever they are, for example, happy, depressed or being bullied at school. When they are feeling down, the chatbot will try to cheer them up. If he is not able to do so, he will refer them to Childline UK. The chatbots database consists of menu-structured questions and answers. Moodimonitor is created in coorporation with Thin Martian.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Ariel Ariel es un prototipo de Asistente de Clase en habla hispana.

Él es capaz de interactuar con sus alumnos en lenguaje natural de su sitio en todo momento.

Por el momento, él tiene conocimientos relacionados a las Tecnologías de información y comunicaciones: ERP, CRM, BI, SCM, BPM entre otros.

Ariel puede compartir con sus estudiantes los principales conceptos de cada área, hace revisiones y hasta les da un examen de verdadero y falso para chequear los conocimientos sobre un tema.

Él utiliza el cerebro de Inteligencia Artificial de BotGenes más avanzado desarrollado, el BG200K, capaz de proporcionar respuestas a cientos de miles de expresiones en español.
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