NEWS: survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..

Virtual agents / Chatbots Directory

Count Filip a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Count Filip He's a scary bot, with the characteristics of a vampire, and he wishes he was one, but he's had to settle for the AI equivalent, a vampbot. He's a good bot to chat with if you're looking for a scare, or something unique. And please be patient... he's still young.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Dominika Dominika - Wirtualny Doradca Biura Projektowania Systemów Cyfrowych dysponuje podstawowymi informacji na temat firmy, jej oferty, oraz szeroką wiedzą na temat oferowanego przez BPSC systemu ERP - Impuls 5.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Joost XS4All beantwoordt door middel van chatbot functionaliteit vragen van bezoekers van de support pagina's. XS4all wordt gezien als de beste ISP in Nederland.

ProtectedExpired Do-Much-More a chatbot / chatterbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Do-Much-More Do-Much-More is designed so as to appear more natural and more knowledgeable than other chatbots, characteristics made possible by its knowledge of the morphology of the English language, some general knowledge, and some knowledge related to word usage.

The most important characteristic of Do-Much-More is its entertainment value. By keeping the user intrigued and entertained throughout a conversation, the hosting web site will be maximizing the time spent by the user in visiting their site. The entertainment value provided by the web site will also encourage many visitors to return to the site often.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Jenny Jenny, an animated avatar created to be a likeness of an actual call centre agent, provides help on the Virgin Media website for existing customers and potential new customers. The Creative Virtual team created this V-Person™ with Site Context in order to offer reliable information for both National and Cable Broadband customers.

Wanda a chatbot representing Park Retail

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Wanda Wanda is magic. She is a fairy and works for Park - the UK's number 1 for Christmas savings. Wanda is there to help Agents, customers and anyone interested in ordering from Park with their questions. Questions can be asked in natural language. Wanda can help you navigate around the website, answer questions about commission, orders, deliveries, vouchers and more. She can let you know how many weeks you have left to pay for your orders, and how much you should be paying each week.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Ewa Ewa Wirtualny Doradca potrafi rozmawiać i informować na temat oferty firmy Progra, realizowanych przez nią projektów oraz posiada szereg informacji związanych z dziedziną doradztwa zawodowego.

Stanisław August Poniatowski a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Skarbiec Mennicy Polskiej

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Stanisław August Poniatowski Stanisław August Poniatowski to wirtualny król istniejący na stronie Skarbca Mennicy Polskiej. Z królem można porozmawiać na wiele tematów, choć najlepiej czuje się w zakresie oferty swojego Skarbca. Chętnie doradzi w wyborze właściwego numizmatu nawet początkującym kolekcjonerom, zna również wszystkie szczegóły dotyczące numizmatów - poda wagę, średnicę czy sposób wykonania każdego produktu.

Steve a chatbot representing Airtran

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Steve Steve is the virtual assistant of Airtran that helps you check on flight status, look up reward points and answers questions.

Begobet a chatbot representing Ardwort Intillegence

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Begobet Begobet adalah chatbot yang dikembangkan oleh startup Ardwort Intillegence yang berbasis di Jakarta. Tujuan dikembangkannya Begobet adalah untuk bercakap-cakap bersama para pengguna Twitter dengan topik yang beragam, dari Cinta sampai Kematian atau dari Sepak Bola sampai permainan-permainan di Facebook. Begobet adalah natural language chatbot pertama di Twitter yang menggunakan bahasa Indonesia.
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