NEWS: Chatbots.org survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..
![]() | Roth Fouty on 12 years, 10 months ago in Identification of humans, Business News | by
Summary: Next IT Access Assistant delivers intelligent, self-service solution for customer log-in issues.
Log-in issues are a growing concern for both companies and consumers. As the use of websites and apps continues to grow, so does our list of passwords. In the article, ‘Average person uses 10 online passwords a day’, the author states that “One in three people are forced to resort to writing them (passwords) down, while another one in three forget them completely.”
Read more about: Access Assistant – An Intelligent Approach to Log-In Recovery
![]() | Jennifer Snell on 12 years, 11 months ago in Agent's Appearance, Holographic projection, Business, Visions & opinions, Business News | by
Summary: Conversational technology is more than a voice, face and search.
A recent blog post by a tech writer compared the Natural Language Processing (NLP) technology that is behind Intelligent Virtual Assistants (IVAs) like Ann at Aetna or Jenn at Alaska to the hologram technology used to resurrect Tupac for Coachella. The comparison sheds light on the reality that people – tech writers included – still do not understand that conversational NLP technologies in the form of IVAs are more than a voice, face and search. Could anyone at Coachella have a conversation with Holo-pac? No. Or would the same comparison be made of Siri? Siri doesn’t have a face, so probably not.
Hanna on 14 years ago in Applications, User Client Technology, Business News | by
Summary: inteliwise releases a virtual agent widget for intelligent online customer support
InteliWISE, a leading provider of Virtual Agent solutions for customer support and e-commerce sales support, announces its launch of an intelligent Tab Widget with its virtual chat agent.
Read more about: New Widget For Intelligent Online Customer Support
![]() | Karolina Kuligowska on 14 years, 2 months ago in Research News | by
Summary: Large Computational Linguistics community is going to be created in Latin America
Created in 2010 by NAACL Executive Board, Emerging Regions Fund is intended to assist the creation of a larger and more cohesive Computational Linguistics community in Latin America, and to enhance more regional interactions among students and researchers anywhere in the Americas.
![]() | Hunter Steele on 15 years ago in Agent's perception of humans, Speech recognition, Research News | by
Summary: cassandra, a speech conversational agent (recognition & synth), a hamlet expert, SpeechTek Europe 2010 participan
Cassandra is our “Figure of Speech”, a title that nicely represents who and what she is. ejTalk’s mission from the very beginning has been to focus on the basic elements of conversation instead of developing products to accomplish a singular task. Most conversational agents today serve a particular purpose. They talk about specific topics but do not communicate in very conversational ways.
ejTalk takes the opposite approach with Cassandra by laying a foundation for the basic principles of day-to-day speech that will one day allow her to talk about anything. Take the example of a greeting: There are many ways to introduce oneself to another person. We may say “hello” to a person we have just met, but to a friend we will say “hey” or “hi.” It may seem like a trivial distinction, but to the human ear, the effect is highly noticeable.
Cassandra’s entry in the SpeechTEK Europe Avatar Challenge.
Jetty van Kooij on 15 years, 3 months ago in Applications, User Client Technology, Business News | by
Summary: AIM Chatbots: Some NLP please?! Test and review of AIM's chatbots online gallery
The future of chatbots is just starting to unfold. Numerous applications are developed and one of Chatbots.org objectives is to find and test new chatbots and their capabilities.
For example, I have tested every chatbot compatible to America Online’s Instant Messenger which are displayed at AIM’s online gallery.
![]() | Akshat Shrivastava on 15 years, 8 months ago in Business, Investments, Business News | by
Summary: alabot gets funded, NLP / AI company based out of Pune, INdia
Alabot an Artificial Intelligence (AI)/ Natural Language Processing (NLP) company based in the UK and India, now has been funded by a Malaysia Based Innovation Fund and also secured a contract with one of the large telcos. The application telcos want is an NLP AI guided chat bot for their ringtones and wallpaper properties.