NEWS: Chatbots.org survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..
![]() | Erwin van Lun on 15 years, 3 months ago in Loebner prize, Award News | by
Summary: Video report of Loebner Prize Contest 2009 in Brighton UK. Winner: David Levy's Do Much More, 2: Cleverbot
Ever wondered how the Loebner Prize Contest -the ‘First Turing Test’- actually takes place? Well, find out for yourself, this is a video report I’ve shot in Brighton, United Kingdom, on Sunday Morning Sept 6th, 2009:
Details after the break.
![]() | Richard Wallace on 15 years, 4 months ago in Agent identity, Personality, Life experience, Knowledge, Looks, Agent's perception of humans, Text recognition, Agent's Expression, Lexical formulation, Applications, Products, Business, Patents, Business News | by
Summary: The new, patent-pending Pandorabots SpellBinderTM technology reduces chat bot creation time enormously.
Previously the construction of believable characters based on artificial intelligence required hand-crafting thousands of sentences - aimed at creating a high-quality chat bot brain. A few creative people took up the challenge and authored some of the best chat bots around today. Until now, the tedious and expensive process of developing and training a high-quality believable chat bot remained a significant hurdle to widespread chat bot adoption.
The new, patent-pending Pandorabots SpellBinderTM technology reduces chat bot creation time enormously. Pandorabots SpellBinder automatically learns from conversational transcripts. Nothing else on the market today can create high-quality and unique chat bot characters as quickly and efficiently as Pandorabots SpellBinder (Synthetic PErsonality Language Learning for Bot Intelligence from Natural Dialog Example Recordings).
![]() | David Levy on 15 years, 4 months ago in Agent's Processing, Action tendency, Business News | by
Summary: www.worldsbestchatbot.com is the web site for information about Do-Much-More, the 2009 Loebner Prize winner.
This year’s Loebner Prize winning entry, Do-Much-More, now has its own web site at www.worldsbestchatbot.com
Please visit the site to learn more about the chatbot and to see some of the transrcipts from the Loebner competition in Brighton.
![]() | Hugh Loebner on 15 years, 4 months ago in Award News | by
Summary: David Levy, international chess player, wins the Loebner Prize, first Turing Test ever, 19th edition 2009
Congratulations to David Levy, winner of the Loebner Prize 2009 for “most human computer”. The contest was held September 6, 2009 in Brighton, UK.
This year the contest drew only three finalists. In addition to Mr. Levy’s program, the competitors included previous (two-time) Loebner winner Rollo Carpenter and newcomer Mohan Embar.