NEWS: survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..
Erwin van Lun on 15 years, 5 months ago in news, News | by
Summary: New all AI awards+feature profiles of individuals +brand new design, and fast!
Three months after release 2.0, we are very proud to present version 2.5 of
Version 2.5 features all chatbots and/ or related AI awards, a special ‘feature profiles’ section highlighting everyone who has willingly shared their AI knowledge and a brand new design of the header, including animated favicon and cute Twitter animation. In addition, the speed of the website has considerably increased.
Read more about: 2.5: Awards, featured profiles and awesome design!
Erwin van Lun on 15 years, 5 months ago in Agent's Processing, Business News | by
Summary: How creative will intelligent life be? Highly! More intelligent, more creative,and even more humurous than humans
How creative will intelligent life be? Will computers be creative? Will chatbots be creative? In my opinion, computers will be more intelligent, more creative, and will have more humour than any human in the world. It’s just a matter of time.
Ilonka Coenraad on 15 years, 7 months ago in Applications, Avatars, Business News | by
Summary: Chatbot site that encourages you to create a virtual you and create historical and fictional characters and chat with them
Chatbot site that encourages you to create a virtual you and create historical and fictional characters and chat with them. Virsona’s vision is to create a platform where people can interact with digital personas called Virsonas that draw upon the memories and life experiences of those with whom they have or want to build relationships. Virsona claims to be a social Chatbot platform.
Read more about: Social Chatbot site for your own, historical or fictional chatbots
Erwin van Lun on 16 years, 1 month ago in Agent's Processing, Emotion, Business News | by
Summary: Agents of the Paris Institute of Technology communicate with speaking, facial expressions, head movements, hand gestures and gaze. Their agents also respond to facial expressions of their conversational partners.
Humans may soon be able to develop long-term relationships with virtual humans that are capable of reading and adapting to our emotions, say French researchers.
Professor Catherine Pelachaud, director of research from the Paris Institute of Technology presented her research this week at a meeting of the ARC Network in Human Communication Science in Sydney.
Pelachaud and colleagues are developing virtual humans, Embodied Conversational Agents (ECAs), that can act autonomously in a virtual environment. As well as speaking, the agents communicate with facial expressions, head movements, hand gestures and gaze.
They are working on virtual agent that can be taught to detect, via a webcam, the emotion of a person looking at the screen.
Erwin van Lun on 17 years ago in Agent's Processing, Action tendency, Business News | by
Summary: Google has released 24 translations chatbots for their IM platform Google talk.
Google has released 24 translatations chatbots for their IM platform Google talk.
If you want to try it for Chinese, just add .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) as a friend in Google Talk and send it a message to translate from English to Chinese. You can use it as an interpreter in your group chat, or as a pocket translator in your Google Talk client for BlackBerry.
The image shows Sukhdeep Singh experimenting with this bot in Hindi.