NEWS: Chatbots.org survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..
![]() | Patricia López on 12 years, 5 months ago in Business, Tools & Products, Patents, Business News | by
Summary: Fiona is an online platform where people can contribute to create smarter avatars
The dream of creating an artificial mind and reveal the mystery of human intelligence has fascinated humans for centuries. Many researchers and scientists have been working in this field even before the term Artificial Intelligence was created in the mid-50s. No wonder, because if you spend a few seconds thinking about the influence this could have on our lives, we realize that our environment can change completely.
Read more about: Creating a collective artificial intelligence
![]() | Karolina Kuligowska on 12 years, 11 months ago in Agent's Appearance, Virtual worlds, Applications, Avatars, Research News | by
Summary: Identity verification of embodied conversational agents, avatars, and virtual humans
Dr. Roman V. Yampolski from University of Louisville claims that artificial conversational entities, shopping bots, and intelligent software applications became closer in their abilities and intelligence to human beings. Therefore arised the need to recognize and verify the identity of such entities just like it is necessary to authenticate the identity of people.
New, future oriented field of artimetrics, i.e. artificial biometrics, focuses on recognition, verification, and authentication of virtual agents, robots and other nonbiological entities. As a sub-field of cybersecurity, artimetrics is being developed in Cyber-Security Lab, which prides itself on being the world’s first to conduct this kind of research.
Read more about: Artimetrics: biometrics for artificial conversational entities
![]() | Lucia Fernandez Cossio on 12 years, 11 months ago in Business, Tools & Products, Business News | by
Summary: FIONA, the new global platform to create Intelligent Virtual Avatars, will be launched soon.
According to Gartner, in a few years 85% of customer-company relationships will be made without human mediation. To reach that goal we need Virtual Avatars to be more intelligent than they are nowadays.
FIONA (Framework for Interactive-services Over Natural-conversational Agents) is a global online platform for the creation of Intelligent and Interactive Virtual Avatars.
FIONA’s first beta version is going to be launched soon and we are searching for beta testers. If you work on human computer interaction and artificial intelligence, you are 3D Designer, you have TTS or ASR modules, or you create virtual agents, you can become a beta tester. You only have to register in http://www.sparkingtogether.com.
Read more about: FIONA Sparking Together, platform for Intelligent Virtual Avatars
![]() | Karolina Kuligowska on 12 years, 11 months ago in Agent identity, Cultural awareness, Agent's Expression, Gestures, Business, Tools & Products, Business News | by
Summary: Cross-cultural role of avatars in learning Arabic
Highly expressive avatars presented on the video are used by Vcom3D in teaching Arabic as well as culturally appropriate gestures and behaviors useful when interacting with people from Arabic countries. Developed in cooperation with Advanced Distributed Learning Co-Laboratory for military and civilian personnel working in Iraq and Afghanistan, 3D Serious Game constitutes dynamic learning environment with embodied conversational agents that feature voice, text and gestural information.
Read more about: Cross cultural virtual training with avatars
Jetty van Kooij on 13 years, 4 months ago in Applications, Avatars, Business News | by
Summary: Alter real-world behaviours by your own avatar, the future of digital technology & its impact on human brains
Avatars can change our mindset according to recent research by Jeremy Bailenson, co-author of the book Infinite Reality. For example, when people view themselves digitally aged by decades, they are more likely to increase their contributions to retirement accounts. What if your avatar were to virtually gain weight? Most likely you would hit the gym straight away.
Read more about: Alter real-world behaviours by your own avatar
Jetty van Kooij on 13 years, 6 months ago in Agent's Appearance, Virtual reality, Business News | by
Summary: Blue Mars Lite: Meet and greet avatars in real-world locations on Google Street View
Blue Mars is a 3D virtual world platform enabling users to meet, chat and share their common digital experiences. Blue Mars Lite application goes one step further: Meet other avatars in real-world locations on Google Street View.
![]() | Frans Plat on 13 years, 11 months ago in Human's perception of Agent, Emotion, Business News | by
Summary: Research shows that chatbots stimulate a more positive state of mind and a more personal online experience.
Research shows that chatbots stimulate a positive state of mind among their users. As a result users enjoy more pleasure in performing their activities and spend more time on performing them. According to ‘social response theory’, the ‘social cues’ send by chatbots increase the users’ involvement in interacting with a computer. As a consequence chatbots contribute to a more personal perception of the online experience.
Read more about: Chatbots stimulate a positive ‘flow’ among their users
![]() | Ilya Gelfenbeyn on 15 years, 2 months ago in Applications, Consumer products, Business News | by
Summary: Inf.net: a website where everyone can create their own chatbots launched.
Jetty van Kooij on 15 years, 3 months ago in Agent's perception of humans, Text recognition, Business News | by
Summary: According to Virtuoz vice president Mark Gaydos there are 4 ways how avatar virtual agents can help companies.
Recent research on context-aware computing, such as avatars, has shown many benefits for businesses. According to Virtuoz vice president Mark Gaydos there are 4 ways how avatar virtual agents can help companies (from allbusiness.com)
With James Cameron’s highly anticipated sci-fi movie Avatar opening this weekend, we had to find out if avatars can help businesses in the real world as much as they help humans in fictitious alien worlds.
Unlike the 10-foot tall blue avatars in Cameron’s movie, Web site avatars aren’t science fiction; they’re “real” virtual agents that provide customer service worldwide. These self-service software applications (which can appear as an animation or a picture of a real person) are intelligent, engaging personalities that help Internet customers find solutions faster and more efficiently.
The Michelin Man avatar, for example, not only answers questions about Michelin tires, but can also engage in conversations about how old he is and whether he has a girlfriend.
Read more about: 4 Ways how avatar virtual agents can help companies