NEWS: survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..

Branded conversations Chatbots

List of all chatbots (virtual assistants, chat bot, conversational agents, virtual agents) in the World - Branded conversations - Dialogues on behalf of an organisation, on a product or service

Andrea a chatbot / virtual agent representing Travelodge

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Andrea Customers with questions and queries can click on 'Help' on the homepage or input their questions directly to the page at other points on the site and are greeted by the smartAgent. Andrea has been designed to talk to thousands of people every week, answering their queries and navigating them around the website. The conversational, natural language interface provides straight answers to straight questions. Andrea is answering queries about Travelodge venues and has a wealth of knowledge, from hotel directions to in-room facilities.

Travelodge have full access to the analytics service and can see all the questions that visitors to the website have. This allows them to make sure that Andrea is always updated to answer any new queries that may arise. It also provides detailed management reports to monitor the success of the smartAgent.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Dominika Dominika - Wirtualny Doradca Biura Projektowania Systemów Cyfrowych dysponuje podstawowymi informacji na temat firmy, jej oferty, oraz szeroką wiedzą na temat oferowanego przez BPSC systemu ERP - Impuls 5.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Joost XS4All beantwoordt door middel van chatbot functionaliteit vragen van bezoekers van de support pagina's. XS4all wordt gezien als de beste ISP in Nederland.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Jenny Jenny, an animated avatar created to be a likeness of an actual call centre agent, provides help on the Virgin Media website for existing customers and potential new customers. The Creative Virtual team created this V-Person™ with Site Context in order to offer reliable information for both National and Cable Broadband customers.

Wanda a chatbot representing Park Retail

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Wanda Wanda is magic. She is a fairy and works for Park - the UK's number 1 for Christmas savings. Wanda is there to help Agents, customers and anyone interested in ordering from Park with their questions. Questions can be asked in natural language. Wanda can help you navigate around the website, answer questions about commission, orders, deliveries, vouchers and more. She can let you know how many weeks you have left to pay for your orders, and how much you should be paying each week.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Ewa Ewa Wirtualny Doradca potrafi rozmawiać i informować na temat oferty firmy Progra, realizowanych przez nią projektów oraz posiada szereg informacji związanych z dziedziną doradztwa zawodowego.

Steve a chatbot representing Airtran

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Steve Steve is the virtual assistant of Airtran that helps you check on flight status, look up reward points and answers questions.

Begobet a chatbot representing Ardwort Intillegence

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Begobet Begobet adalah chatbot yang dikembangkan oleh startup Ardwort Intillegence yang berbasis di Jakarta. Tujuan dikembangkannya Begobet adalah untuk bercakap-cakap bersama para pengguna Twitter dengan topik yang beragam, dari Cinta sampai Kematian atau dari Sepak Bola sampai permainan-permainan di Facebook. Begobet adalah natural language chatbot pertama di Twitter yang menggunakan bahasa Indonesia.

Expired Dr. Haibao a chatbot representing World Expo 2010 Shanghai

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Dr. Haibao 海宝博士机器人是上海赢思软件技术有限公司为2010年上海世博会而开发的在线机器人。目前,"海宝"博士通过互联网和手机飞信等平台,通过IM(即时联系)的方式为人们解答与世博相关的各类问题,进行24小时在线服务。这个虚拟机器人的最大特色就在于,它能像真人一样用人类的日常语言陪你聊天,帮你查地图看天气,为你提供有关世博的任何信息。"上海今天热不热?'这样日常的自然语言,你通过搜索引擎也无法及时获得准确信息,但只要你像聊天一样,问'海宝'博士,它都能又准又快地告诉你具体的温度和天气状况。
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Frank Frank answers all of your Verizon customer service support questions.
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