NEWS: survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..

Chatbots on Web

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent KAR Intelligent Computer KAR Intelligent Computer© (Katia Automatique Robot Intelligent Computer©) is a software with 2 main functions:
1. It enables companies to drastically reduce their energy bill and carbon footprint of their information technology infrastructure (- 48 %).
2. It is a human machine interface based on artificial intelligence for disability based on head movements, magnifying glass, text-to-speech, home automation, automatical execution, voice recognition…
It can also answer more than 450 000 questions in French, English, German and Spanish! It has more than 630 functions (webbrowser, writer, burn cds, drivers update...)
All these solutions are combined into a single interface.

We can sort all these functions in 4 categories:
- Family
- Education
- Professionnal
- Disability
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Tia Sem TIA, Telekomova interaktivna asistentka. Moja naloga je pomoč pri iskanju informacij in odgovorov na vsa vaša vprašanja, skupaj s prijaznimi sodelavci pa bom poskušala rešiti vaše težave ali vam celo svetovati pri izbiri najprimernejše storitve.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent KAR Intelligent Computer KAR Intelligent Computer© (Katia Automatique Robot Intelligent Computer©) est un logiciel informatique qui conçoit et développe une solution d’animation entre un humain et un ordinateur en étant un agent conversationnel.
Il a deux principaux objectifs :

- Assister son utilisateur à ce servir de son ordinateur grâce aux fonctions simplifiés ou les personnes à mobilité réduite à utiliser un ordinateur en leur donnant des conseils ou en leur montrant comment s'en servir.

- Accompagner l'utilisateur en devenant son "assistant virtuel" (exemple : KAR Intelligent Computer© peut répondre à ses questions (450 000) ou faire des manipulations).

Outre ses deux objectifs principaux, KAR possède déjà un minimum de 630 fonctions réparties en 4 catégories différentes :
- Familial
- Education
- Professionnel
- Handicap

Expired Emma a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Tromsø Kommune

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Emma Emma er en virtuell agent som jobber for Tromsø kommune i Norge. Hun hjelper innbyggerne med spørsmål de har om barnehage, skole, helse og byggesak. Hun tilbyr brukeren å bli satt over til en kundekonsulent via chat dersom hun selv ikke klarer å svare på spørsmålet.

Inga a chatbot / virtual agent representing ING Bank Śląski

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Inga Inga - Wirtualny Doradca została zrealizowana na stronie dedykowanej dla kart zbliżeniowych typu PayPass - nowości w ofercie ING Bank Śląski. Inga posiada wiedzę na temat kart typu PayPass, ich rodzajów, sposobu działania i bezpieczeństwa. Wirtualna Inga podpowie również, gdzie można płacić kartami zbliżeniowymi ING Banku, a zastanawiającym się na wyborem, szybko wyjaśni, jakie korzyści daje używanie karty zbliżeniowej. Ponadto Wirtualny Doradca pomaga nawigować po internetowej witrynie Banku, a w razie potrzeby potrafi doprecyzować niejasne pytania Użytkownika.

Freudbot a chatbot / conversational agent representing The Centre for Psychology at Athabasca University

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Freudbot As a student you can engage in an online conversation with Freudbot, who is capable of discussing a range of personal and psychological topics.

Emma a chatbot representing Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, University of Maastricht

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Emma Emma answers questions about the Masters Programma of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration at the University of Maastricht.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Stella Stella è l'assistente virtuale che risponde ogni giorno a centinaia di domande poste dai Clienti del Gruppo Banca Sella che desiderano supporto durante la navigazione dell'Internet Banking e delle piattaforme Trading e Fondi.

Bilge a chatbot representing Ttnet

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Bilge En yakın wi-fi noktasını bulmaktan, en son kampanyalara, modem kurulumu konusunda görsel destekten bağlantı sorunlarına, en yakın satış noktasından ürün özellik ve ücretlerine kadar binlerce soru Bilge'nin dağarcığında yer alıyor.

Program-O a chatbot / chat bot representing Shakespearebot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Program-O An AIML Interpreter written in PHP with MySQL. Have your own chatbot on your website, written in PHP with MySQL, reading AIML. Program O uses the default AIML libraries downloaded from ALICE here. Just drop the files onto your web server and build the SQL files and you can have your very own chat bot! Program-O is now available to download from sourceforge
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