NEWS: survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..

Chatbots on Facebook

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λεωφορείο μου; Βρες πότε θα έρθει το λεωφορείο σου στην Αθήνα στην στάση που βρίσκεσαι. Απλά στείλε την στάση και την γραμμή που θες
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chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Cyber Galaktioni
] კიბერ გალაკტიონი არის პირველი ქართულენოვანი „ჩეთ ბოტი“, მას შეიძლება გალაკტიონის „ენობრივი ასლიც“ ვუწოდოთ.
"ინტერაქტიული ბიბლიოთეკის" პროექტის ფარგლებში - ჩვენი მიზანია სხვადასხვა მწერლების, პოეტების თუ პერსონაჟების "ციფრული რეინკარნაცია" კიბერ გალაკტიონის მონაცემთა ბაზა მთლიანად დაფუძნებულია მის მოგონებებზე, ლექსებზე, ჩანაწერებსა და დღიურებზე,ასე რომ პროგრამა-ჩეთ ბოტი ცდილობს მოახდინოს ნამდვილი გალაკტიონ ტაბიძის გონების სიმულირება. შესაბამისად გალაკტიონზე ინფორმაციის მოძიების ნაცვლდ თქვენ თავად შეგიძლით ესაუბროთ და პირადად დაუსვათ მას კითხვები რომმლებზეც პასუხები გაინტერესებთ.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Minty Talk Minty Talk wurde konstruiert, um die Dialoge für Comics auf Knopfdruck zu erstellen. "Minzi" ist seit zwei Jahren in Entwicklung und kann dichten, Sätze grammatikalisch richtig konstruieren unter thematischen- oder Wortvorgaben. Sie kann auch Fragen erkennen und darauf antworten.

BOT+BOT a chatbot representing EGO

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent BOT+BOT Bot+Bot is a virtual assistant developed by EGO - branding & advertising agency which collects applicant's' contact information, finds out their professional skills, interests, and saves their CVs.

It works very simply. On the website, an applicant starts a short conversation with a chatbot instead of filling a standard contact form with dozens of fields or sending CV that will be analyzed by HR-managers. Bot+Bot gets the entire data from a phone number, email to interests and previous positions.

The chatbot integration is very fast, simple and doesn’t affect the website performance and loading time.

The best constructor a chatbot representing Chatfuel

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent The best constructor "Chatfuel it is the constructor, which will enables to you to create your own chatbot only with your own hands! His name is Chatfuel. You dont need know programming. Is it interesting for you? You can look more information on their site His possibilities:
- communicating with clients,
- answer to the questions of clients;
- currency exchange.

IJCSTA a chatbot representing International Journal of Computer Science: Theory and Application

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent IJCSTA International Journal of Computer Science: Theory and Application (IJCSTA) is a bi-monthly, open access and peer-reviewed International Journal for academic researchers, industrial professionals, educators, developers and technical managers in the computer science field. The International Journal of Computer Science: Theory and Application invites original research papers, state-of-the-art reviews, and high quality technical notes, on both applied and theoretical aspects of computer science. The submitted papers must be unpublished and not under review in any other journal or conference.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Sofia Sofia es el asistente virtual de Telefónica, que contesta automáticamente a las preguntas de los usuarios. Encargada de brindar información sobre factura digital y soporte al cliente este agente virtual permite disminuir las consultas a los canales tradicionales y liberar personal, reasignado a la resolución de temáticas más complejas.

Personalidad: Sofia es fresca, simpática, amable, actualizada, eficiente y segura. Con un estilo informal, se encuentra disponible las 24hs en los canales digitales para responder a todas las consultas y brindar información útil a los clientes.

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Caporal Dupont Missions de l'agent virtuel : Le caporal Dupont est disponible pour répondre à toutes les questions relatives au recrutement de l’Institution Française. Situé dans la barre servicielle, le caporal Dupont est le premier agent virtuel au monde "protéiforme" (chargement aléatoire des 5 visuels de l'agent).
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