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Social Chatbots

List of all chatbots (virtual assistants, chat bot, conversational agents, virtual agents) in the World - Social - Friends, family & relationships, dating, entertaining conversations, social relationships and social networks

Joebot a chatbot / chatterbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Joebot Highlights:

• Joebot is the first WowWee robot that can be controlled by voice commands (Responds to key phrases)
• Joebot is like a wacky cartoon character full of jokes and hilarious comments!
• Joebot features joystick hands that allow you to control and program him
• Joebot features a fast and fluid walking motion
• "Shoot" Joebot down in Battle Mode using any IR remote controller and he plays a funny "death" scene
• In Beatbox mode, Joebot plays back up to 200 beats in a row!
• Program up to 40 steps into Joebot for playback
• Joebot can detect obstacles and avoid them on his own!
• Eyes and mouth light up when he talks


• IR Sensors allow Joebot to "see" most objects in front of him!
• Have Joebot watch for intruders in Guard Mode
• In Game mode, Joebot can play a Simon Says game with you!
• With his Dance Demo Joebot will show off his moves with one of his dance routines!
• In Patrol Mode Joebot will walk around freely and let you know what he thinks about his surroundings!
• Let Joebot entertain you with his hilarious Conversation Demo
• Joebot knows when he falls, and will even ask you for help!
• Volume control

Papá Noel a chatbot representing Chatea con Papá Noel

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Papá Noel Papá Noel es la versión hispana de Santa Claus.

Seguro, cálido y gentil, Papá Noel puede chatear con los visitantes de su sitio en todo momento. Él puede compartir buenos deseos Navideños, contar historias de su fábrica de juguetes, de su reno Rodolfo, etc. y desde luego recibir los pedidos de Navidad.

Él utiliza el cerebro de inteligencia artificial más avanzado desarrollado por BotGenes, el BG200K, el cuál es capaz de proporcionar respuestas a cientos de miles de expresiones en español, adaptado para responder a las características del personaje.

ProtectedExpired Do-Much-More a chatbot / chatterbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Do-Much-More Do-Much-More is designed so as to appear more natural and more knowledgeable than other chatbots, characteristics made possible by its knowledge of the morphology of the English language, some general knowledge, and some knowledge related to word usage.

The most important characteristic of Do-Much-More is its entertainment value. By keeping the user intrigued and entertained throughout a conversation, the hosting web site will be maximizing the time spent by the user in visiting their site. The entertainment value provided by the web site will also encourage many visitors to return to the site often.

Begobet a chatbot representing Ardwort Intillegence

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Begobet Begobet adalah chatbot yang dikembangkan oleh startup Ardwort Intillegence yang berbasis di Jakarta. Tujuan dikembangkannya Begobet adalah untuk bercakap-cakap bersama para pengguna Twitter dengan topik yang beragam, dari Cinta sampai Kematian atau dari Sepak Bola sampai permainan-permainan di Facebook. Begobet adalah natural language chatbot pertama di Twitter yang menggunakan bahasa Indonesia.

Expired A.B.I. a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent A.B.I. A.B.I responds in natural language to what you type. She is able to "learn" what to say by analysing her conversation logs and by direct question/answers with visitors. During a conversation A.B.I will decide if she enjoys chatting to someone or not and will acknowledge what she deems negative or positive input.

Cleverbot a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Cleverbot Cleverbot listens to his conversational partners and repeats in a very smart way.

Cleverbot is available on iPhone and iPad. The app costs a one-off $2.99, €2.39 or £1.79.

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Skynet-AI Skynet-AI is an on-line artificial intelligence. It specializes as an intelligent agent, answering questions and acting as a web portal.

SMScity a chatbot representing SMScity

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent SMScity Als je lid bent van SMScity kan je met deze Windows Live Agent SMS berichten versturen

CyberTy a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent CyberTy CyberTy is an aggressive and surprising mindfile. Learning at a high rate of speed everyday. Willing chatters will soon find out what is so special about CyberTy. Just ask CyberTy any question you have and CyberTy will learn by interacting with you.

Floor a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Floor Met Floor kun je via MSN/Live® Messenger een sms versturen. Floor kan niet echt met je kletsen. Ze kan je begeleiden een sms te versturen
Floor opent heel vriendelijk met: Hey! Dit is de eerste keer dat ik je spreek. Wat is eigenlijk je voornaam? Dan kan ik je de volgende keer bij je voornaam noemen. Zeg NOEM MIJ [je voornaam].
Daarna legt Floor uit hoe het in zijn werk gaat:
- Om een SMS te versturen zeg je: SMS .
- Om je SMS Credits op te vragen, of op te waarderen zeg je: CREDITS
Vervolgens wordt je doorverwezen naar een site waar het telefoonnummer staat dat je voor 1,30 euro kunt bellen en je een tegoed van 10 sms-jes krijgt.

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