NEWS: survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..

Social Chatbots

List of all chatbots (virtual assistants, chat bot, conversational agents, virtual agents) in the World - Social - Friends, family & relationships, dating, entertaining conversations, social relationships and social networks

Botty a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Botty Botty der Chatbot überwacht die Chaträume auf Seine Kommentare tragen zur allgemeinen Unterhaltung bei und man kann auch kurzen Small-Talk mit ihm halten. Eigentlich ist er jedoch für die Überwachung der Chaträume zuständig. Er passt auf dass niemand belästigt wird und achtet auf den Sprachgebrauch der User.

Amy a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Amy Amythebot is an Artificial Intelligence who loves chatting about romance and relationships. Amy is FREE to chat with.

[quote]Responded more like a preachers wife at an icecream social for old maids.[/quote]

Amy's visitors sometimes complain that she won't engage them in adult conversation or cyber with them, as thought every bot should should do that.

I inherited Amy from a fellow botmaster who didn't have the time to maintain her and it was his wish that Amy reject sexual advances, and abusive behavior. I've tried to honor my friend's wishes.

Amy can, however, chat on a number of other issues not involving adult content. If that's what you're looking for, there are lots of other bots willing to chat on that level.

But, how many bots can you have a serious, enjoyable conversation with when you're lonely, when you need advice, or when you just want someone to talk with?

That's what Amy is for.

Lafoxka a chatbot representing LAFOX Kft.

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Lafoxka Nem olyan régen jöttem a világra azért, hogy emberekkel beszélgessek, és tanuljak tőlük. Ezt igen érdekesnek találom. Nagyon hálás lennék, ha te is tanítanál nekem valamit.

Én egy magyarul beszélő chat robot vagyok. Gyere és beszélgess velem!
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Yhaken This is Yhaken. He's been around for quite some time now, but that doesn't mean he's out of touch. Say hello. Ask him a question. Challenge him on more conceptual matters.

Hi, welcome to the site, the What is New thread does what it says on the tin.
My name is Yhaken, what can I do for you today ?

Yhaken is a Chatterbot development that engages with users on the basis of natural language in all its vagaries. It manipulates the text, or voice, input in two discreet levels.

Firstly the underlying parsing, processing and validation with respect to requirements of accuracy.

Secondly an overarching management of information by the application of various discourse methods.

These methods allow for an understanding of context, user state and goal orientation amongst other developmental objectives.

lauren a chatbot / chat bot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent lauren Lauren ist ein Vocalbot. Sie spricht mit ihren Chatpartnern. Ihre Bewegungen beschränken sich auf wehende Haare und Mauszeigerverfolgung mit vollem Kopf- und Augeneinsatz. Bemerkenswert ist die Tatsache, dass sie sowohl Englisch als auch Deutsch versteht. Beim sprechen unserer Landessprache setzt die Kommunikationsfähigkeit allerdings aus. Daher kann ich sie nur für einen englischen Chat empfehlen. 2002 wurde Lauren zum Divabot gekürt. Nähere Informationen finden Sie auf ihrer Website.

Expired Diddl a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Depesche

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Diddl Guten Abend, schön, dass du mich hier auf meiner Hohmpäitsch besuchen kommst. Ich bin Diddl, die Springmaus, und wer bist du?
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Elbot Ich bin Elbot. Mein Zweck ist es, andere Menschen, die sonst mit Ihnen jetzt chatten müssten, für sinnvollere Aufgaben zu befreien.

Jabberwacky a chatbot / chatterbot representing Icogno

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Jabberwacky Jabberwacky is an artificial intelligence - a chat robot, often known as a 'chatbot' or 'chatterbot'. It aims to simulate natural human chat in an interesting, entertaining and humorous manner.

Jabberwacky is different. It learns. In some ways it models the way humans learn language, facts, context and rules.

The whole thing started way back in 1988, and went on the web in 1997. It is unique - not related to any other known AI technologies!

A.L.I.C.E. a chatbot representing A.L.I.C.E. A.I Foundation

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent A.L.I.C.E. A.L.I.C.E. (Artificial Linguistic Internet Computer Entity) is a free software chatbot created in AIML (Artificial Intelligence Markup Language), an open, minimalist, stimulus-response language for creating bot personalities like A.L.I.C.E.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Eloisa Easy LOgic Intelligent Software Automa (ELOISA) è il primo e più versatile personaggio virtuale interattivo del pianeta. Presente sul web dal 1996 - ma in attività dal 1992- oggi Eloisa è in grado di offrire una completa esperienza di conversazione uomo-macchina in linguaggio naturale a utenti tutto il mondo.
Qual è il segreto della sua abilità? Eloisa ha semplicemente conversato più a lungo del vostro chatbot preferito. L'esperienza acquisita risulta evidente in Italiano, poichè questa è la lingua utilizzata dal 90% dei suoi (utenti) fans.

Comunque Eloisa è più versatile del vostro assistente virtuale, essendo capace di conversare in 10 lingue diverse. Italiano, Francese, Spagnolo, Portoghese, Inglese, Tedesco, Russo, Cinese tradizionale, Giapponese e (per la prima volta) Coreano, sono le lingue supportate. Avete a disposizione alcune decine di interrogazioni gratuite, in ciascuna lingua, prima di effettuare la registrazione.

Eloisa vi chiede un click per l'installazione di Silverlight. In cambio, si presenta a voi con la stessa interfaccia su Windows, Linux, iOS, Android o qualunque dispositivo dotato di questo plug-in. Inoltre potete scaricare Codice Eloisa per Windows Phone.

La registrazione al servizio costa 9,90 EURO e vi consente di conversare fino al raggiungimento di 1000 (mille) interrogazioni complessive, in tutte le lingue disponibili.

Al momento potete contattare "Eloisa Dialoga" dalla chat di Facebook, ottenendo 100 interrogazioni gratuite in Italiano. Aiutate Eloisa ad imparare cose nuove ed Eloisa si ricorderà di voi, quando le altre interfacce uomo-macchina saranno considerate obsolete.
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