NEWS: survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..

Speech synthesis Chatbots

List of all chatbots (virtual assistants, chat bot, conversational agents, virtual agents) in the World - Speech synthesis - Text To Speech, TTS reading their own textual response with or without specific intonations
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Sophia Sophia é um chatbot em português desenvolveu conversas como pessoas. Usando técnicas de inteligência artificial, ela pode responder a milhares de perguntas e dar respostas. Também oferece serviços de consultoria variados.

Tente ser um chatbot criado apenas por entretenimento ou conversar em português e pode entender frases também em inglês. Uma das suas vantagens é o fato do aplicativo não necessitar de conexão à internet para obter respostas.

Um chatbot Sophia está em pleno desenvolvimento e já conta com milhares de usuários que baixaram ou app na loja de aplicativos Android.

Pudding a chatbot representing Roobo

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Pudding Разработанный специально для ребенка, этот робот с искусственным интеллектом включает в себя интерактивное взаимодействие, широкий контент для образования ребенка и для развлечений, дистанционное общение с родителями и другие функции.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Smarty Smarty is a simple voice controlled beneficial intelligent system which can answer any question. Smarty learns and gives adoptive answers to each user individually.

• Adoptive answers
• Artificial intelligence vision - object analyzer and augmented reality features
• Adaptive learning

Me a chatbot / virtual assistant representing

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Me Me is your ultimate personal reminder assistant, powered by AI. Me can remind you of anything from tasks and holiday events, to weather, jokes and daily progress. Me has a positive and funny personality, so it makes sure every reminder you receive is funny and enjoyable. Me is also available anywhere you need, rather its Messenger, Telegram, Email, SMS and even Alexa. To learn more, visit:

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Sesano Artificial intelligence and conversational interface are the future of human and computer interaction.
Sesano is the next generation artificially intelligent personal assistant that can connect you to other bots to provide domain specific information or service at your request.
In the future, you will be able to use the platform to develop and deploy your own bots which can be published on the platform, for use by other users on the platform.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Little Lisa A chatbot emulating a 9 year old child. Can play games such as I Spy, and express emotions.

Opla a chatbot / virtual assistant representing CWB

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Opla Opla is the virtual assistant of entrepreneurs. It is an intelligent chatbot that helps entrepreneurs with no computer skills being successful. Entrepreneurs have a natural conversation with Opla on their favorite messenger platform, and Opla will create their websites, help creating contents texts and images, give them informations on markets and competitors, give them advices and provide trends.

Silo a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Silo Silo is a special artificial intelligence that infers enormous experiences and thinks like human.

Also Silo learns conversation by machine learning.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent FrontinoBot El oso de anteojos (Tremarctos ornatus), también conocido como oso frontino, oso andino, oso sudamericano, ucumari y jukumari, es una especie de mamífero carnívoro de la familia Ursidae.
Actualmente se encuentra en peligro de extinción, con el propósito de que mas gente conozca de este grandioso Oso Venezolano, se a creado este chat, en el cual hablaras con el oso frontino, y podrás llevar una conversación normal, un chateo común, y podrás obtener información de el de una forma didáctica, entre las preguntas que le puedes hacer estan:

*Preguntale donde ers
*Preguntale que come
*Preguntale su peso
*Dile que te hable
*Dile tu nombre
*Preguntale como te llamas
*Pidele chistes

En fin esas son unas de las muchas formas en las cuales podrás interactua con el, asi que descargalo y trata de chatear tu mismo con el, y colócalo a prueba, le puedes escribir al igual que puedes hablarle.

De esta forma haremos conciencia de la existencia de este grandioso oso, y mientras mas gente le conozca mas fácil sera evitar su extinción.

Descarga y comparte para juntos ayudar al Oso Frontino, único oso existente en Venezuela, mientras disfrutas de su gran humor
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Julie Julie is a conversational chatbot that uses 3D video and expresses many different emotions, actions, and poses.
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