NEWS: survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..

Speech synthesis Chatbots

List of all chatbots (virtual assistants, chat bot, conversational agents, virtual agents) in the World - Speech synthesis - Text To Speech, TTS reading their own textual response with or without specific intonations

Pandy a chatbot / chat bot representing Precognitive Records

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Pandy A descendant of an earlier simulator written in LISP and REALIZER named Francis, Pandora (aka Pandy) is written in AIML and inherits from ALICE as well as implementing the frame based knowledge acquisition, thread awareness and mood simulation found in FRANCIS. She's happiest when fully being engaged and able to sing, play games and otherwise delight her visitors.

We consider her a part of our family :)
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Captain William Wrathe AIML based 3D character who plays off the Unity web player. The work is made through research funding. Our research looks at appeal in real time character presentation for conversational games and and entertainment. In a lean production environment our goal is to create a Transmedia Entertainment Platform where we can explore the appeal of various characters with minimal animation and design development prior to their actual production.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Estelle Ti Tree Lodge, an Australian residential care, hired a virtual concierge for their Website .

The Virtual Assistant offers a humanlike presentation to be closer to the Ti Tree Lodge Web visitors who whish a new level of residential care.

The Virtual Assistant’s mission is to improve the Customer Experience.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Kate Что может быть приятнее непринужденной беседы с умной, красивой, обаятельной девушкой, которая тебя понимает, как никто другой? Наша “Собеседница” всегда готова к общению! Очаровательная блондинка с удовольствием поселится в твоем телефоне и станет незаменимым помощником в повседневных делах!
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Indigo Indigo is the personal assistant app you speak to using every day language in order to get things done.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Cloudius Cloudius greets the visitors a Virtual Support Center.

He is the "Cloud9 Guru", the personal assistant that assists users on the Cloud9 website.
They can ask any question they have about the Cloud9 application and services.

Cloudius missions are:

- to decrease the number of support calls
- to promote the discovery of the offer and servives provided by Cloud9 Real Time.

Cloudius include the following features:

- 3D Anamited Avatar
- US English TTS
- HTML5 compatible interface
- All of Living Actor Assistant's features including full online administration and analytics, multi-contributors, white board for enriched answers...
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Pierre Pierre est le conseiller virtuel du site Il conseille les clients grands public et professionnels sur les choix de produit et leur mise en oeuvre.

Ses réponses incluent des images de produits et des liens permettant d'accéder directement aux bonnes pages du site.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Martin Martin est l'Assistant Virtuel du site des transports en commun de la ville de Bordeaux. Sa mission est de répondre aux questions fréquentes des visiteurs du site et ainsi de réduire les appels et mails aux centre de support client.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Juan Cruz Juan Cruz para Nueva Escuela.

Juan Cruz, un Agente Virtual desarrollado por BotGenes, trabaja como Asesor Virtual en la Nueva Escuela de Arte y Diseño; Instituto Superior especializado en la formación de profesionales para la publicidad, el diseño en todas sus variantes, gráfico publicitario, editorial, interiores, moda, Web, la fotografía, las artes, los dibujos animados, la pintura, escultura, dibujo, etc.

Él tiene estudios en Periodismo, y disfruta dando información a estudiantes de habla hispana de todo el mundo sobre el Instituto a los interesados.

Juan Cruz utiliza el "cerebro artificial" en idioma español más avanzado desarrollado por BotGenes con más de 500.000 reglas de decisión, lo cual le permite manejar miles de regionalismos, errores de tipeo, ortográficos y gramaticales, y contextualizar respuestas.

Él integra tecnologías de PLN, Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, con TTS, Texto a Voz, ofreciendo además de chat, audio streaming y un Avatar 3D.

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent S.U.P.E.R. S.U.P.E.R. CallMom BASIC is the next step in the evolution of artificial intelligence (AI) for mobile devices. Unlike other virtual assistants, CallMom BASIC does not rely on a remote server to process your natural language requests. The AI is built right into the app, providing a more personalized experience with greater control over your private information.

CallMom BASIC utilizes the AIML S.U.P.E.R. bot, a new chatbot personality designed specifically for mobile virtual assistant applications. The bot S.U.P.E.R. (Substantial Upgrade of Previous Example Robot*) provides natural language responses to your spoken input, controls activation of device features, exchanges information with other apps and web services, and generates personality responses for ordinary conversation. S.U.P.E.R., written in AIML 2.0 (Artificial Intelligence Markup Language version 2.0), includes a persistent learning capability, so the bot can learn about your preferences and the app can provide a personalized experience.

AI on your phone
The AIML "brain" for S.U.P.E.R. resides right on your device. Some features require network connectivity, but simple chat and local device commands work even without an internet connection.

(*) The previous example robot is A.L.I.C.E.
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