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Virtual agents / Chatbots Directory

Mathias a chatbot / virtual agent representing Ethias

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Mathias Mathias 'rol is om gebruikers te identificeren behoeften op het gebied van verzekeringen en hen tho vinden van de juiste dienst / product te helpen. Mathis is ook verantwoordelijk voor klantenondersteuning.

Hollie a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Bourne Leisure

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Hollie Virtual Hollie is providing answers to questions from people interested in visiting a number of holiday parks across the United Kingdom. The virtual assistant is currently dealing with thousands of visitors each month. The technology is answering customer queries on a variety of subjects whilst also navigating the user to additional content that appears on the website. The virtual assistant contains a wide range of content, this includes information on key attractions, when famous people are performing and routine information about each venue such as "what time do you need to check in". One of the more interesting aspects of the deployment is that "Hollie" promotes some of the events that are taking place at the resorts over the course of the year.

Staff at Butlins have full access to a wealth of management and customer contact data via the Synthetix analytics service. They can see all the questions that users to the assistant have posed. This allows them to make sure that Hollie is always updated to answer any new queries that may arise. The system also provides detailed management reports to monitor the success of the smartAgent. Hollie is the first live edition of smartAgent Version 4 and has many new features and functions that enhance the system for both the user and the website owner.

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Guide Me noHold Virtual Agents assist Cisco Linksys customers in finding the answers to their questions.

Gaito a chatbot representing Gaitobot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Gaito Hallo, Ik Bin Alex! Schön Sie wieder zu sehen.

Auch heute beantworte ich gern Ihre Fragen zu GAITO, dem virtuellen Moderator.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Customer Support Agent This V-Person™ has been segmented into separate contexts and is integrated with Verizon's in-house Live Chat system. The system features Auto Complete and is closely integrated with Verizon's backend systems, allowing users to find both general and specific information. Ask Verizon is available on the Verizon website and as a mobile application.

The video below shows a demonstration of the Ask Verizon Virtual Agent operating within the secure log-in area of the Verizon website.

Expired Botefal a chatbot representing Tefal

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Botefal Botégo, Project House'un Tefal için geliştirdiği projede, ev hanımlarına yönelik ramazan sohbeti gerçekleştiren, onlara yemek tarifleri, mutfak ve banyo için püf noktaları öğreten bir bot üretti.
Katılımcılardan her gün bir kişiye verilen Tefal ürünleri, ilginin artmasını sağladı.

Ramazan boyunca adresinde yayında kalan bot, pek çok potansiyel Tefal müşterisinin profil bilgilerini kaydederek kapsamlı bir veritabanı oluşmasına aracı oldu.

Hürriyet, Sabah, Referans, Zaman gibi gazetelere konu olan uygulama, Tefal'in övgüyle bahsettiği bir proje haline geldi. Forumlarda, interaktif sözlüklerde, kullanıcılar Tefal'in botuyla yapılan sohbetleri paylaştılar.

Ewa a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Clix Software

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Ewa Ewa to wirtualny doradca na stronie firmy Clix Software, tworzącej oprogramowanie dla małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw. Ewa zapozna rozmówców z oprogramowaniem OKAY CRM, odpowie na pytania co do funkcjonalności i spraw technicznych oraz skieruje do właściwych linków. Ewa pełni też rolę wirtualnego handlowca i przyjmuje zamówienie od klienta na OKAY CRM.

Giorgia a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Dreams and Co.

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Giorgia Giorgia è un assistente virtuale in linguaggio naturale che aiuta la fruizione del sito dei suoi sviluppatori. Ha sintesi vocale e apre le pagine corrispondenti alla risposta data.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Contact Us The Chegg Contact Us Agent provides instant customer service that's available 24/7. The intelligent virtual agent serves as the first point of contact for engagement across all customer service channels. Alone, it handles over 200,000 conversations per month and, through its dialog strategies, determines the appropriate channel to direct the customer. This service model matches the hectic schedules of Chegg's target user group, college students, while simultaneously assisting Chegg's customer service department in balancing customer service channels. Customers are able to get answers immediately and at a time that's most convenient for them even if the customer service department is closed.

Lucia a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Lucia Robot de información turística andaluza
Pregunta cualquier cosa a Lucía y te responderá con respuestas relacionadas con lo que preguntas. Tiene una gran base de datos y mucha información.
Tienes 3 Opciones:
* Hablar con este Bot sin Agregarlo
* Si quieres guardar a este bot, agregarlo manualmente o recomendarlo el correo es [email protected].

Más Información e instrucciones

El robot virtual aparecerá como un contacto más del usuario, al que se le podrán formular preguntas en lenguaje natural sobre temas distintos relacionados con el destino, contemplando en un inicio entre 500 y 600 posibles preguntas, con hasta 15 respuestas por cada cuestión.

Entre las ventajas de este sistema es que el robot es capaz de entender las preguntas de los usuarios e interactuar con ellos.
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