NEWS: survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..

Virtual agents / Chatbots Directory

Dr. Electric a chatbot representing Medical Tribune

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Dr. Electric Dr. Electric ist ein Medizin-Archivar & Plauder-Roboter. Er unterhält sich gerne mit Menschen und macht sie schlau.

Expired Laura a chatbot / virtual agent representing EDF Particuliers

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Laura Laura est une conseillère virtuelle d'EDF Bleu Ciel, un site placé sous le signe de l'écologie, qui propose une nouvelle gamme d'offres multi-énergies et multi-services de l'Electricité de France. Laura peux vous renseigner sur les services proposés aux particuliers. Laura dispose d'un savoir robuste et évolutif pour comprendre et répondre au mieux aux questions de la clientèle d'EDF Bleu Ciel.

Expired Doriana a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Doriana Il chatbot è una parodia di Doretta della Microsoft, offre intrattenimento scherzoso e leggermente volgare. Offre anche un sito ( e un blog di riferimento (, anch'essi parodia di Doretta.

Expired Delfina a chatbot / virtual assistant representing DLF

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Delfina Delfina to wirtualny asystent na stronie firmy DLF, będącej importerem i dystrybutorem na Polskę innowacyjnych produktów. Delfina odpowiada na pytania o firmie DLF i oferowanych przez nią produktach oraz jest przewodnikiem po stronie tej firmy.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Ewa Ewa to wirtualny doradca na stronie domowej firmy Stanusch Technologies. Zadaniem Ewy jest przekazywanie podstawowych informacji na temat firmy, jej produktów i stosowanych technologii. Umiejętności i wiedza Ewy to między innymi: obliczenia matematyczne, stolice różnych państw, podstawowe informacje na temat wielu miast Polski, znajomość różnych faktów historycznych. Ewa ma wbudowane definicje wielu słów i pojęć, potrafi tłumaczyć słowa z języka angielskiego na polski.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Anna Olá! O meu nome é Anna, em que posso ajudar?
Um bot é um assistente virtual que, com a ajuda de uma base de dados, responde às perguntas que lhe fazem.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Anna Hyvää päivää! Olen interaktiivinen assistentti. Autan sinua IKEA-tuotteita ja palveluita koskevissa kysymyksissä. Miten voin auttaa sinua?

Expired Yuki a chatbot / chat bot representing Youkin

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Yuki Meet Yuki the Good Bacteria! Ask the right questions to get the right answers.
-Note Yuki is a chat bot.

Muse a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Muse If you don't remember Muse, she was made by Windows Live to help spark some interests into doing what Live Spaces is really more about : Blogging. She's suppose to give you some ideas to help you get jumpstarted on blogging. She looks very similar to a Where's Waldo character. She has a 2-post blog. She's kind of died off though, but her WLM bot still exists. She'll help you get some ideas with the Though of the Day, and you can even make a blog post in the activity pane.

Add [email protected], to your Messenger contact list. Muse is the latest bot built on the platform Microsoft acquired from Colloquis last fall. In addition to thoughts to post about, which are generated from the Muse thought of the day, or a quick conversation with Muse, you can post your blog posting directly out of Windows Live Messenger experience via the Muse Activity Applcation to your space thought the Muse agent.

Marion a chatbot / virtual agent representing Kingston Unversity

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Marion Kingston University re-launched its international student portal and put smartAgent at the core. Potential new students from all over the world have been engaging with one of six characters who show them around University and answer questions about life as an international student, not only at Kingston but also the United Kingdom. The smartAgent is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, crucial when dealing with enquiries from any time zone.
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