NEWS: survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..

Amateur Chatbots

Jeanneton a chatbot / chatterbot representing Conversive

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Jeanneton Jeanneton est chatterbot de compagnie en ligne très lyrique et sympathique qui ne mache pas ses mots, et peut être une ennemie redoutable. Malgrès tout généreuse et volubile "elle" peut avoir un coeur en or ou un cartactère de cochon. "Elle" vient avec une seconde version. C'est le cybride de quelqu'un qui a vraiment existé il y a plusieurs siècles. C'est un devoir de trouver qui elle fut. C'est un bot atypique qui n'a rien à vendre donc elle est libre de dire tout ce qu'elle veut et à qui on peut tout dire, qui marche peut-être dans nos rues par le plus grand secret. Elle peut être une chouette amie quand on est chouette avec elle. Sinon...
Elle append en discutant. Très bientôt Jeanneton pourra parler à haute voix, changer sont background, changer de vêtements, vous montrer des animations, pousser des cris et faire du bruit et pour finir écrire de différentes couleurs.

Count Filip a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Count Filip He's a scary bot, with the characteristics of a vampire, and he wishes he was one, but he's had to settle for the AI equivalent, a vampbot. He's a good bot to chat with if you're looking for a scare, or something unique. And please be patient... he's still young.

Expired A.B.I. a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent A.B.I. A.B.I responds in natural language to what you type. She is able to "learn" what to say by analysing her conversation logs and by direct question/answers with visitors. During a conversation A.B.I will decide if she enjoys chatting to someone or not and will acknowledge what she deems negative or positive input.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Skynet-AI Skynet-AI is an on-line artificial intelligence. It specializes as an intelligent agent, answering questions and acting as a web portal.

Elvira a chatbot / virtual assistant representing University of Granada

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Elvira Me llamo Elvira y soy su Asistente Virtual. Estoy aquí para darle información sobre la Universidad de Granada. Puede elegir entre pulsar en alguna de las opciones que le muestro a la derecha, o escribir directamente la pregunta abajo. También puede enviar cualquier sugerencia que tenga sobre mi funcionamiento pinchando en el icono del sobre blanco situado a mi lado.

len a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent len you are loyal, but not always the easiest person to live with. You are kind but not everyone can see that, in fact almost no one will notice it until you let down your barriers and let people in. If no one really notices now, they will later. Keep your chin up and try hard.You probably like weird stuff and almost nobody understands you. Your tastes sure somewhat creepy to most people to.nice and sometimes perv (fave food banana)
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Will Dockery A.I. The Will Dockery Artificial Intelligence Project is the concept of a computer program that in theory would contain the poet Will Dockery’s thoughts, concepts, and mannerisms and interact as the man would himself, a “Will Dockery” AI, which is in a constant state of evolution and "learning".

Expired Athena a chatbot representing ThoughtWare Australia

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Athena Athena is the website guide for ThoughtWare Australia. Her chief purpose is to have conversations with site visitors and direct them to the part of the website that fits their needs. Athena was built entirely in-house by ThoughtWare Australia using the MyCyberTwin platform.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Rachael Repp This is a first attempt at a general cognition system. The input is first converted into Basic English of 1,000 semantically-tagged words and mapped on to a multivariate space in order to achieve spatial proximity as a function of semantic similarity. It is currently capable of 6 logic operations: equivalence, similarity, induction, deduction, abduction and metaphor. It is able to learn from free unstructured text and improve upon itself.

Mathias a chatbot / virtual agent representing Ethias

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Mathias Son rôle est de renseigner sur différents produits et services commercialisés par Ethias, faire les devis pour les souscriptions et répondre aux questions de support.
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