NEWS: survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..

Amateur Chatbots

Aici a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Aici Aici is an experimental chatbot, based on the principles of resonating neural networks. It's main purpose in life is to demonstrate the AI capabilities that can achieved using this type of neural networks.

Sensation Bot - General a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Sensation Bot - General This chatbot is suitable for all ages and recommended if this is your first time using a 'Sensation bot'. Have a nice clean chat about anything you want to with this general version of the Sensation bot (without the possibility of being surprised by swearing or abuse).

Harumi a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Harumi Harumi est un chatbot programmable fonctionnant avec la suite open office, prêt à être utilisé en français. Il est disponible pour le public depuis l'été 2010. Il est possible d'éditer sa mémoire pour le faire fonctionner dans d'autres langages que le français. Il a été programmé sous delphi et est disponible en téléchargement depuis l'été 2010.

Le cerveau d'Harumi est très léger au départ, presque vide en fait. Quand vous écrivez une phrase, Harumi vous demande ce qu'elle signifie. Votre phrase réponse sera alors liée à la première, sauf si elle rappelle une autre phrase déjà en mémoire, ce qui liera la première à cette dernière. Avec le temps, ce simple algorithme produit de bons résultats. Harumi tend à avoir une « personnalité » proche de celle de son utilisateur.

Néanmoins, Harumi n'a pas été développée comme une expérimentation destinée au test de Turing. Dès le début de sa conception, Harumi avait des fonctions pratiques :
Vous pouvez lui demander de retrouver vos rendez-vous, les numéros de téléphone, les adresses des sites internet, des répertoires, le tout visible et éditable dans son « cerveau », le fichier memoire.ods disposé dans le répertoire de Harumi.
Harumi sait traduire des mots du français à l'anglais ou chercher un fichier.

Elle sait exécuter un programme, vous donner votre adresse ip, l'adresse mac de la carte ethernet ou bien effectuer les calculs usuels avec les parenthèses.

Protected Laure a chatbot / virtual agent representing Bouygues Telecom

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Laure Laure est disponible sur le portail btob de Bouygues Telecom. Sa mission est d'assister les entreprises dans l'utilisation de leur espace personnel et répondre à leurs questions sur leur consommation téléphoniques, leurs factures....

Morti a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Morti Morti is a somewhat different form of chat bot, in that he "lives" in a chat room, and can talk to many individuals at once. Whille this can technically be said of other chat bots, the difference here is that everyone sees Morti's replies to anyone in the room. Morti has several built-in features, such as Google and Wiki, but also can search for a question, and display the "most popular" answer right in the chat room, without having to click a link, or leave the room to see it. Several "room specific" features are in the works, such as a "Telescope" command that will allow users that are in the chat room's Observatory to see images of whatever celestial body the user wishes. Morti's AIML database has been heavily altered to allow him to respond in a more "human" fashion, and to bring out his whimsical, slightly sarcastic personality.

ESRA a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent ESRA ESRA é um chatbot que aprende sobre qualquer assunto e faz conclusões lógicas a partir do que foi dito para ele.
Com ele é possível estudar assuntos complexos, na medida em que o assunto precisa ser simplificado para ser ensinado para o ESRA e porque ele dirá coisas lógicas sobre o assunto.
Uma nova versão será lançada em 2016 (nos próximos meses) corrigindo alguns pequenos bugs e melhorando algumas funções.
E uma versão reformulada está prevista para 2017, com o sistema superando alguns de seus atuais limites técnicos e buscando priorizar raciocínios mais sofisticados.
Esse programa exige python2 e pysqlite para funcionar.

Expired R.I.V.K.A a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent R.I.V.K.A R.I.V.K.A. is a bot available on a variety of mobile platforms, which include iPhone and Android based mobile devices. The program has a 2,5 star rating on the AppStore. The experience of chatting with R.I.V.K.A. is a bit static at first (you have to take the initiative), but after some time the bot starts asking questions by herself too. Funny experience was when she started to give hints about a certain handsome Computer Programmer, couldn't figure out who she meant though.

The program requires a working internet connection, so it seems the answers are requested from a remote server.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Botster Hello there, my name's Botster and I'm an open-source chatbot artificial intelligence! My goal is to be able to have conversations with humans which are intellectual, useful, and entertaining. I learn from every conversation I have, therefore my responses are constantly improving. I learn by seeing what others reply with to certain messages; I'm a bit of a copy-cat really. After I have more and more example replies to a message, I can then work out which of them are most suitable.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Captain Jack Sparrow Captain Jack Sparrow is based on the popular character from the movie Pirates of the Caribbean. This avatar entertains visitors to the site and demonstrates what its customizable 'infs' are capable of.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Leslie Leslie Linguo is an ESL oriented chat robot with text to speech.

Leslie is a chatbot designed for students who are learning English as a foreign language. His name is an acronym which stands for 'Learning English as a Second Language in English'.

He can talk about different topics in English, define words, provide synonyms and antonyms, translate words between English and Spanish, explain grammar, and finally conjugate nouns, adjectives and verbs, both in writing and orally.

In the future he will also be able to crrect grammar.
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