NEWS: Chatbots.org survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..
![]() | Yoleidy Carvajal on 12 years, 9 months ago in Identification of humans, Speaker recognition, Business News | by
Summary: Voice biometrics are potentially much better suited to mass-market applications
Biometrics technologies have made enormous advances in recent years. Many airports already use finger-print or iris scanners to protect borders, and Google employs iris scanners to control access to its data centers.
![]() | Michaela Xydi on 13 years ago in Agent's Expression, Speech synthesis (TTS), Business News | by
Summary: How Natural Language Interaction technology adds intelligence to Voice Recognition (ASR).
Imagine a world where you can talk to almost any electronic device in your household; you give commands to your fridge, your microwave, your car, your mobile and your TV without pressing a single button. Your voice is the sole control of the actions that you want executed by the device in question. It is a hands-free society, ruled by voice and gesture recognition. But aren’t we there already? There’s voice control technology out there that allows making simple requests like ‘call Fred.’ However, there’s one fundamental question about this technology; how intelligent are these human-machine conversations?
![]() | Karolina Kuligowska on 13 years, 7 months ago in Business, Tools & Products, Business News | by
Summary: Try Google Chrome search engine with a microphone
Do you dream about conversational virtual assistants that recognize your voice? First try to talk to your search engine. Your voice will be recorded, transcribed subsequently by the speech server, and then sent back as text. With Google Voice Recognition application users can talk to the computer through a microphone and search for results by speaking, as presented on the video below.
Read more about: Tell your search engine what are you looking for
![]() | Karolina Kuligowska on 13 years, 8 months ago in Applications, Avatars, Business News | by
Summary: A multiservice kiosk equipped with a 3D avatar that recognizes human voice
You’re walking down the street and passing by a multiservice kiosk. Would you like a virtual guide to be at your service? This video demonstrates how it could look like - watch it and check for yourself if it’s worth using.
Read more about: 3D avatar with voice recognition is ready to talk with you on street
Jetty van Kooij on 14 years, 10 months ago in Agent's Appearance, Humanoids, Business News | by
Summary: Simon the Robot cleans your house without commands, new features: voice/facial recognition, sound localization
At the Computer Human Interaction conference in Atlanta (12/5/2010), Simon the Robot demonstrated he has more capabilities than before. Originally he was only able to move some blocks very slowly, now he is capable of learning household chores without commanding him all over again or having to pre program him with a set of tasks. For example, Simon identifies colourful items: a blue book, a green plastic case, a red flower and several others, and puts them into the corresponding colours bin.
Read more about: Simon the Robot cleans your house without commands
![]() | Erwin van Lun on 15 years, 1 month ago in Agent's perception of humans, Speech recognition, Agent's Capabilities, Lookup, Business News | by
Summary: Awesome iPhone 3GS app: virtual assistant via speech recognition! US only but soon in the rest of the world!
Do you ever ask yourself if you are going to need an umbrella today? Or: ‘Where can I get a green tea latte’? Or: ‘What’s up this weekend’? With a new free iPhone 3GS app Siri, you simply ask these questions by talking to your phone. Your question will be interpreted and displayed and suggestions will follow immediately. Very, very cool.
And when you feel like travelling this weekend, you can just continue your questions after ‘what’s up this weekend?’ by asking: ‘How about San Francisco?’, as if you would speak to a real person. Sire will recognize that you’re still interested in something to do for the weekend as it’s context sensitive.
Awesome! Also check out review below the fold showing more examples of how you can use
![]() | Erwin van Lun on 15 years, 9 months ago in Agent identity, Sensors, Agent's perception of humans, Facial coding, Speech recognition, Business News | by
Summary: MS Project Natal: New XBox addon, your body is the controller. Voice recognition. Gesture recognition. Face recognition. Awesome!
Microsoft’s Project Natal delivers a new addon to your XBox that allows you to play without controller. The system has a 3D camera that maps the exacts position of your hands, your fingers, your feet, your header, your nose, everything in a 3D map. This allows you to control the game with only your body, in great detail, and no controller needed. Furthermore, it recognises voice and faces and supports complex video chat.
Read more about: Xbox update: Full body and gesture recognition