NEWS: Chatbots.org survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..
![]() | Michaela Xydi on 13 years, 4 months ago in Business, Visions & opinions, Business News | by
Summary: Artificial Solutions explains how natural language interaction is humanizing your mobile phone.
If Graham Bell had journeyed into the future he would probably be amazed to see how his invention, the telephone, has entirely changed the way people communicate with each other and with their phones. No longer is the phone merely an object that enables you to talk to someone who is not in the same place as you, the phone itself has now become a personal assistant, someone you can give orders to and who will talk back to you. How did all that become possible?
Read more about: How Natural Language Interaction is Humanizing your Mobile
![]() | Karolina Kuligowska on 13 years, 4 months ago in Research News | by
Summary: Multitouch gesture-based applications for logging into smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices
Researchers from Polytechnic Institute of New York University have developed multitouch gesture-based applications for logging into smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices. Instead of text typed passwords, they propose biometric authentication: your hand size, finger placement, and speed of movement can serve as a unique signature for login applications.
Read more about: Bored with remembering passwords? Use your gestures instead!
![]() | Erwin van Lun on 15 years, 1 month ago in Agent's perception of humans, Speech recognition, Agent's Capabilities, Lookup, Business News | by
Summary: Awesome iPhone 3GS app: virtual assistant via speech recognition! US only but soon in the rest of the world!
Do you ever ask yourself if you are going to need an umbrella today? Or: ‘Where can I get a green tea latte’? Or: ‘What’s up this weekend’? With a new free iPhone 3GS app Siri, you simply ask these questions by talking to your phone. Your question will be interpreted and displayed and suggestions will follow immediately. Very, very cool.
And when you feel like travelling this weekend, you can just continue your questions after ‘what’s up this weekend?’ by asking: ‘How about San Francisco?’, as if you would speak to a real person. Sire will recognize that you’re still interested in something to do for the weekend as it’s context sensitive.
Awesome! Also check out review below the fold showing more examples of how you can use
Jetty van Kooij on 15 years, 4 months ago in Agent's perception of humans, Gesture recognition, Business News | by
Summary: Walky robot controlled by Iphone gestures: finger swipes, taps and presses
This comprehensive robot control interface relies solely on finger swipes, taps, and presses.
Watch Video:
![]() | Erwin van Lun on 16 years ago in Agent's Appearance, Screens, Business News | by
Summary: Eliza, the first chatterbot ever, is now available on the iPhone.
French software company Visuamobile has come out with a new application Eliza AI, a chatterbot for your iPhone using artificial intelligence software developed by Joseph Weizenbaum at MIT in 1966. It was amongst the first AI programs’ and now used as a basis by most computer generated speech programs. You can converse with her on your iPhone as if she was your therapist and like all good therapists, she will answer most questions with another question.