NEWS: survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..
Martín Frascaroli on 11 years, 4 months ago in Business, Visions & opinions, Business News | by
Summary: Do you know that Virtual Agents are able to improve the customer experience?
Do you know that Virtual Agents are able to improve the customer experience while people are waiting for an answer? This technology understands and interprets customer questions and gives them advice related to the products and services offered, through each company contact point.
Read more about: How to transform client waiting time into sale opportunities
Martín Frascaroli on 11 years, 4 months ago in Business, Visions & opinions, Business News | by
Summary: A simple method for to determining the ROI of a Virtual Agent.
User experience is not a priority for CIOs and most of them don’t know how to estimate the return on investment (ROI) of each new technology put forward. But the customer profile has changed and nowadays people are always online and demand more information from companies. As a result so CIOs should analyze how to improve the customer service.
Read more about: How to determine the ROI of a Virtual Agent solution to Customer Service
Lucia Fernandez Cossio on 11 years, 7 months ago in Applications, Avatars, Consumer products, Products, Business News | by
Summary: Now Fiona's Technology in Kickstarter!
The Spanish company Adele Robots has launched a new project on Kickstarter, Fiona. Fiona creates a world where your electronics are an extension of your senses. The technology beyond Fiona is the platform with the same name (
Read more about: Fiona: Your voice has never been this powerful
Paul Tero on 11 years, 10 months ago in Business, Tools & Products, Business News | by
Summary: Introducing a simple and efficient way to give Non Player Characters more personality using Cleverscript.
Do many gamers remember Zelda II: Adventure of Link? It was an excellent fantasy game for the first Nintendo Entertainment System which occupied quite a lot of my evenings in 1989. The Non Player Characters were very basic though - typically a lone villager who hints which direction to head for the next dungeon. The villager kept on repeating the same hint long after I’d moved on. Nintendo’s NPCs are not much better in the latest Zelda instalment Skyward Sword in 2011, despite over 20 years of computer and game development in between.
Nintendo’s Zelda series from 1987 to 2011, a huge leap in graphics but not dialogue.
Richard Wallace on 11 years, 11 months ago in Applications, Consumer products, Business News | by
Summary: AIML Superbot 3.0 simplifies building mobile virtual assistants
Are you creating a chatbot or virtual assistant? Do you want to integrate an artificial intelligence character into a game, virtual world, website or mobile app? Have you ever wanted to create your own totally unique custom bot character, as smart as Siri, Jeannie, ALICE or Mitsuku, but with a completely different personality? Where do you start?
The ALICE A.I. Foundation has released a totally new AIML Superbot Development Kit, making it easier than ever to create custom chatbots and mobile virtual assistants. Based on the popular AIML (Artificial Intelligence Markup Language) standard, the Superbot provides a pathway to rapidly building your bot’s knowledge base. The character you create can be run on a variety of AIML platforms including Pandorabots.
Read more about: Superbot - The Easy Way to Create Your Own Custom Bot
Erwin van Lun on 12 years, 3 months ago in crowd funding, News | by
Summary: is investigating Crowd Funding. This is another cool example.
We have started to work on Crowd Funding: an excellent opportunity for believers in and for all people working on the website. Never heard of Crowd Funding before? Check out this nice example:
Lucy Smallwood-Rose on 12 years, 5 months ago in Business, Jobs, Business News | by
Summary: We are potentially looking for two new contractors to help out on projects starting in the autumn.
The assignments are likely to be 2-3 months, possibly part-time.
The roles are:
- C# ASP.NET developer, to work primarily on the web based management/authoring tool for our chatbots. You need solid C# ASP.NET skills but the project is not over complex so would suit a more junior coder.
- Unity developer, with a focus on scripting/coding (C#) more than 3D design. Experience of deploying Unity on the web and for iOS/Android would also be highly desirable. May extend in to 2013.
Both roles are likely to start in mid/late September, and will be based at our offices in Birmingham, although some home working may be possible.
You must hold British citizenship and will be required to bring your passport to any initial interview.
Apply through
Further details may be posted on our website in due course.
Karolina Kuligowska on 12 years, 8 months ago in Agent's Processing, Creativity, Learning, Cognition, Research News | by
Summary: Psychometric AI approach to measure computational intelligence
Psychologists nowadays are able to measure human intelligence by using various IQ tests. Nevertheless, they still don’t agree on one common definition of human intelligence. What would happen if we apply a similar approach to measuring intelligence of artificial entities, skipping never-ending discussions on AI definition? According to professor Selmer Bringsjord and Bettina Schimanski an answer is contained in Psychometric AI (PAI).
Mandy Reed on 12 years, 8 months ago in Business, Business contests & awards, Business News | by
Summary: Creative Virtual recently became the topped ranked Advanced Business Member on
Creative Virtual is excited to announce that they recently become the Advanced Business Member with the most contribution points. is a website set up and maintained by Erwin Van Lun and his team as an industrial catalyst to advance the industry of Intelligent Virtual Characters. In 2011, launched their Advanced Membership Program which allows companies to become more visible on the site, complete an enhanced membership profile and have access to statistics on their profile including lead reporting. Contribution points are earned by individuals associated with the company for activities such as adding new virtual assistant listings, submitting items for the business news section and leaving comments in various areas around the site. All companies added to the site as being involved with Intelligent Virtual Characters in some capacity are included on the Companies page with Advanced Business Members appearing at the top of the list sorted by years of commitment and contribution points.
Read more about: Creative Virtual Ranked Top Advanced Business Member on
Yoleidy Carvajal on 12 years, 9 months ago in Agent's Processing, Learning, Business News | by
Summary: This article will give you a behind-the-scenes look at how chatbots are enhanced with new capabilities.
With this article I would like to give you a behind-the-scenes look at how a system like Elbot is enhanced with new capabilities. I’ll do this by walking through one of Elbot’s newer features: color learning. If you would like to try the feature before reading all the spoilers, please visit, and ask Elbot if he can learn.