Within the past 12 months, noHold Virtual Assistants have handled over 25 million conversations. During these interactions with the Virtual Assistant, actionable metrics were captured regarding end user behavior. noHold was able to turn these metrics into valuable insight not only for the support organization, but also for product marketing, engineering, sales, and more.
Within the past 12 months, noHold Virtual Assistants have handled over 25 million conversations. During these interactions with the Virtual Assistant, actionable metrics were captured regarding end user behavior. noHold was able to turn these metrics into valuable insight not only for the support organization, but also for product marketing, engineering, sales, and more.
In working with the leaders in the PC and related industries, noHold has identified the top 10 most frequently used solutions from support questions in this space. The top issues include: downloads and drivers (39%), system restore (18%), wireless issues (10%), Windows issues (6%), webcam issues (5%) , no boot/no power (5%), touchpad issues (5%), monitor issues (4%), audio issues (4%), and owner manuals/guides (4%).
It is important to target your organization’s top issues and leverage those issues to create opportunities to better serve your customers. In fact, a noHold client used the information collected through the Virtual Assistant to redesign the support site and simplify customer engagement. Here are a few tips on how you can turn insight from the customer into opportunities:
Create a seamless customer journey for end users – integrate CRM, live chat, social media, and mobile.
Be prepared – make self-service front and center throughout all support mediums. Be ready to answer questions related to new products or services. For example, there will be a lot of questions surrounding Windows 10.
Incorporate up-sell opportunities – if the battery is not holding a charge, maybe it’s time for a new one. Provide direct links to order pages, or co-browsing functionality to make it an easy process.
Offer premium support when necessary – research shows that a large portion of users will pay for enhanced support, and VIP treatment.
For more information on tips and best practices, please follow this link: http://www.nohold.com/assets/best-practices-web-print.pdf.
“There are many tools on the market that can collect metrics in a quantitative manner,” said Diego Ventura, CEO and founder of noHold. “In addition to quantitative metrics, the advantage to our tool is that the Virtual Assistant is also able to provide qualitative insight on customer intent. With that kind of information, organizations are better equipped to make decisions that will enhance their customers’ experience.”