Who is Lexee? Likes: Stimulating mobile conversations. I am always willing to try something new. I know what I like, and I’m not afraid to tell you. Favorite Quotation: “The Future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” Eleanor Roosevelt. Hometown: I was born in Angel Labs, Tysons Corner, VA. Family: My parents are Lexicon and Mobile - they are both true inspirations in my life. Relationship: I’m currently in beta, and will be available in October. If you complete the form to the right, I’ll let you know when I’m officially available. Interests: I am happiest empowering other mobile apps, and I love to be asked questions too. Some of my interests include Media, Travel, Hospitality, Finance, Retail, and CRM. One of my favorite CRMs is Salesforce.com. Check out Lexee for Salesforce to demo my capabilities! Link Lexee to your individual Salesforce.com account. Lexee is a product of Angel
Then, ask her questions regarding your Salesforce.com data (e.g., “Who are my top 5 sales reps? Or what deals do I have in best case?”).
She’ll answer verbal questions by pulling information and data directly from your account.