Do you dream about conversational virtual assistants that recognize your voice? First try to talk to your search engine. Your voice will be recorded, transcribed subsequently by the speech server, and then sent back as text. With Google Voice Recognition application users can talk to the computer through a microphone and search for results by speaking, as presented on the video below.
When you would like to utilize this voice recognition feature, just click on the microphone icon and then talk to the computer. For example say “chat bot” to search for chatbots. Moreover, you can say “google images chatterbots” to get pictures of conversational agents around the Internet. All you need is Google Chrome 11 or higher and, needless to say, a built-in or attached microphone.
Apart from ordinary search results, the following default services include voice recognition in Google search engine: Wikipedia, YouTube, Bing, Yahoo, DuckDuckGo and Wolfram|Alpha. Therefore, if you would like to know more about Turing Test, just say “wikipedia Turing test” and you can start learning about the philosophical issues of conversational artificial intelligence…