Although #chatbots are popping up everywhere at the moment with all kinds of varying quality, I personally love this example. Smarty is a chatbot that appears as avatar. I like it either because of its simplicity, but especially because of its potential. It recognizes objects, it recognizes speech and gestures just on your iPhone.
The future of this all is very clear: chatbots will recognize every object, even those you won’t recognize. Wherever you are, in which country you travel. You can ask them anything about these objects. Obviously: ‘what is it?’. But also: ‘do you happen to know who manufactured it? Or: Where does it come from? How can it be used? Or better: show me how to use it!! In the case of the chair, an artificial person (your chatbot?) will walk in (through augmented reality AR) and takes a seat on the chair. The chatbot wil say: this is how most people use a chair, would you like to see some other things people do with chairs? Or: would you like to upload your creativity what you can do with a chair? In that case, the chatbot will record you, determine your position and replace you by an articifial character. This is how we build a library with objects around us. It’s all just a start and this is just an example.