NEWS: Chatbots.org survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..
Paul Tero on 12 years ago in Business, Tools & Products, Business News | by
Summary: Introducing a simple and efficient way to give Non Player Characters more personality using Cleverscript.
Do many gamers remember Zelda II: Adventure of Link? It was an excellent fantasy game for the first Nintendo Entertainment System which occupied quite a lot of my evenings in 1989. The Non Player Characters were very basic though - typically a lone villager who hints which direction to head for the next dungeon. The villager kept on repeating the same hint long after I’d moved on. Nintendo’s NPCs are not much better in the latest Zelda instalment Skyward Sword in 2011, despite over 20 years of computer and game development in between.
Nintendo’s Zelda series from 1987 to 2011, a huge leap in graphics but not dialogue.