NEWS: Chatbots.org survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..
![]() | Hunter Steele on 15 years ago in Agent's perception of humans, Speech recognition, Research News | by
Summary: cassandra, a speech conversational agent (recognition & synth), a hamlet expert, SpeechTek Europe 2010 participan
Cassandra is our “Figure of Speech”, a title that nicely represents who and what she is. ejTalk’s mission from the very beginning has been to focus on the basic elements of conversation instead of developing products to accomplish a singular task. Most conversational agents today serve a particular purpose. They talk about specific topics but do not communicate in very conversational ways.
ejTalk takes the opposite approach with Cassandra by laying a foundation for the basic principles of day-to-day speech that will one day allow her to talk about anything. Take the example of a greeting: There are many ways to introduce oneself to another person. We may say “hello” to a person we have just met, but to a friend we will say “hey” or “hi.” It may seem like a trivial distinction, but to the human ear, the effect is highly noticeable.
Cassandra’s entry in the SpeechTEK Europe Avatar Challenge.
![]() | Herb Isenberg on 15 years ago in Agent's perception of humans, Text recognition, Research News | by
Summary: Teach intelligent devices how to generate conversational interaction as a Human Being
This paper is about conversation, or how people talk, and the unit of analysis used to understand the organization of conversation, the turn. It is a product of empirical research and identifies the basic unit of analysis for analyzing and generating natural conversational interaction. It represents a new paradigm, an entirely new way to measure and quantify conversational patterns that are culture, language and gender independent.
It is one of a series of papers that will be published. It is the first paper leading up to the development of Natural Conversational Technology. A long list of potential applications will also be published, such as. how to teach intelligent devices to engage in conversational interaction as a human being or how to do opinion mining from dynamic text.
![]() | Erwin van Lun on 15 years ago in Chatbots.org news, Chatbots.org News | by
Summary: Chatbots.org 2.6: Conversational AI Forums and even smart account pages. It's there! Finally
After almost seven months of hard work, we are proud to present version 2.6 of Chatbots.org. This version features multiple forums, a sophisticated account mechanism, and a sleek design of sub navigation, body, and footer.
Read more about: Chatbots.org 2.6: Forum and even smarter account pages
![]() | Ehab El-agizy on 15 years ago in Chatterbox challenge, Award News | by
Summary: The Chatterbox Challenge 2010 Contest Just Started!
I’m glad to announce the beginning of CBC 2010 contest, good luck for all botmasters and thanks for participating. This year is full of surprises for botmasters and their chatbots.
I’m glad to announce the beginning of CBC 2010 contest, good luck for all botmasters and thanks for participating.
Read more about: The Chatterbox Challenge 2010 Contest Just Started!
![]() | Richard Wallace on 15 years ago in Business News | by
Summary: Final Program of Chatbots 3.0 Conference Announced
Chatbots 3.0 is a one-day gathering of bot creators, commercial users, enthusiasts, scientists and students interested in A.I. bot technology.
We have released the final schedule for the Chatbots 3.0 conference. We have attracted an impressive collection of speakers who will present about a wide variety of topics of interest to all of us. The topics span business, technology and academia. There are still a few days of free registration left. After March 7, the registration fee will be raised to 10 USD.
Participants are gathering from all over the world for this exciting one-day event in historic Philadelphia. Join us for this important, informative one-day event! Register now at http://chatbots3.eventbrite.com