NEWS: survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..
Erwin van Lun on 15 years, 7 months ago in news, News | by
Summary: is now a PR 5 site (Google pagerank). is now a PR 5 site (Google pagerank). This is the result of extra attention on websites due to the launch of version 2.0, new links to the site and in existing groups related to chatbots and natural language processing. We’ll probably end up with a pagerank of 7 somewhere next year (when we realized our objectives of 100.000 visitors a month).
Erwin van Lun on 15 years, 7 months ago in Business, Market research, Business News | by
Summary: O2 UK's online chat service 'Ask Lucy', is currently receiving around 1,000 questions per day
O2 UK’s online chat service ‘Ask Lucy’, is currently receiving around 1,000 questions per day as it nears the end of its pilot period, Mobile Today reported. The results of the pilot so far show that customers are choosing instant messaging over a telephone conversation to resolve service issues. Orange UK, T-Mobile UK and 3 UK also offer live chat services with agents on a PC, who ‘chat’ with customers to sell, upgrade or solve problems. T-Mobile’s chat service ‘Ask Laura’, was launched in February. T-Mobile head of the service Elliott Lawrence said feedback has been positive and that T-Mobile will look to further develop the service.
Erwin van Lun on 15 years, 7 months ago in Sensors, Speech recognition, Business News | by
Summary: TellMe for Windows Mobile 6.1 is a one-button hub for voice commands including texting, calls, weather, pizza or mother's day gift ideas
TellMe for Windows Mobile 6.5 isn’t just an app, it’s a one-button hub for voice commands of all kinds, including text messaging, making calls, and also jumping to Microsoft Live Search with natural language queries like “weather in San Francisco, California,” “pizza in Kansas City” or “mother’s day gift ideas.”
Read more about: TellMe allows for all voice commands on your mobile
Erwin van Lun on 15 years, 7 months ago in Identification of humans, Face recognition, Business News | by
Summary: Face ming star trek: chatbots will recognize us in moving video as we walk!
The company PittPatt has face mined the TV series Star Trek. Specifically, they applied algorithms in face detection, face tracking and face recognition to 67 Star Trek episodes over three seasons. This process automatically extracts all visible face tracks, and clusters these into a small number of same-person groupings. Currently, PittPatt recognize frontal or near-frontal tracks. In the near future, we will extend our results to non-frontal tracks as well.
Erwin van Lun on 15 years, 7 months ago in Applications, User Client Technology, Business, Patents, Business News | by
Summary: Apple patent: send an audio or video reply to an iChat call automatically. That's a simple chatbot!
This patent for automatically sending an audio or video reply to an iChat call is only useful for computer to computer calling, but also for iPhone to computer calling, or computer to iPhone calling.
The server could additionally be set to store video responses, such that when a person comes back online, they could view one or more clips recorded by their peers. To facilitate this, Apple proposes creating a generic video mailbox which could be accessed from iPhones or a website.
Read more about: Apple patents automated video answering (video mail)
Erwin van Lun on 15 years, 7 months ago in Applications, User Client Technology, Business News | by
Summary: Google Wave Is a Collaborative Mix of Chat, Instant Messaging, Twitter and Docs in Real-Time: a platform for chatbots, virtual agents!
Wave is a new communication platform by Google. It’s a Frothy Collaborative Mix of Chat, Instant Messaging, Twitter and Google Docs in Real-Time:. A “wave” is equal parts conversation and document, where people can communicate and work together with richly formatted text, photos, videos, maps, and more..
Gizmodo Australia:
idea is to drag email and IM into real-time-so it’s free-wheeling mesh of Twitter, IM, Friendfeed really, any other kind of service presenting semi-real-time stuff in a stream. But in Google Wave, you can share and collaborate on projects, and all of this is mashed together at once, so it might be the ultimate service for people with ADD, or enterprise looking to simulate the feeling of 10 people standing around a desk scattered with a bunch of projects, but you’re all able to work on any of them simultaneously while you’re also whispering to the cute girl across the table about the new sushi place around the corner. You start a wave with any message or photo or whatever, and you bring people into the discussion, and then they can bring other people in as well (unless you block it or start kicking people out) so it’s as public or private as you want it to be.
More screenshots and video after the break.. We can wait for the first chatbots demonstrated on this platform!