NEWS: survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..

Virtual agents / Chatbots
in United States

List of all chatbots (virtual assistants, chat bot, conversational agents, virtual agents) in the World - Text synthesis - United States - Dynamically generate new and personalized sentences, based on the users’ input

Serena a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Virtualyty Customer Engagement Solutions

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Serena Serena is one of many avatars available from Virtualyty.

As demonstrated on our own site, our avatars rest between your customers/prospects and your call center. Think of them as web-self service personal concierges. We invite you to ask Serena about Virtualyty.

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Que Que is a 3-D chat bot and is the Destination Guide #1 Editors Pick from over 100,000 locations in Second Life.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Aco A chatbot emphasizing useability. You can add her to your website in 5 minutes or less, FREE! She will start chatting with your website visitors immediately. No programming. No scripting. Even no setup required.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Ask Neat Assisted Search Ask Neat is a Virtual Assistant that provides support for Neat products.

Jane a chatbot / virtual agent representing Stanford University

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Jane Stanford University’s “Ask Jane” is extremely popular with students at Stanford University. Branded after Jane Stanford, the co-founder of Stanford University, "Ask Jane" has become the ‘go-to’ person for any online, self-service inquiry. Visitors to the website can also view the top ten questions asked by other visitors; the list is dynamic, so it always remains current! Go ahead, ask Jane!

Bella a chatbot / virtual agent representing Humanity Online

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Bella Bella giving custom weather reports
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Ramona 4.1 Ramona 4.1 is an audiovisual chatbot avatar. This version adds new knowledge sources, including one with Wikipedia-like knowledge and another that enhances Ramona’s whimsicality, along with an improved interface, forming Ramona’s updated unique personality.

Ramona is capable of synthesized speech and changeable accents. Her personality can also be adjusted to make her less or more nerdy or whimsical by typing “Nerdiness” or “Whimsicality” plus a level between 0 and 99 (e.g., “Nerdiness 87″).

Users can hear her speak in 14 international accents, ranging from Baltimore to Bangalore. Users can also converse with previous versions of Ramona.

Zoe a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Zoe Zoe was a contestant in the 2011 Loebner Contest. She is an AIML-only bot hosted by Pandorabots.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Natebot Nate is a chatbot with a diverse conversational base. It can research user questions from a variety of sources, making it's responses more accurate. Nate has voice recognition and TTS capability.

If you use google chrome, there should be a small microphone button in the box where you would write your message. Simply click that.

Harumi a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Harumi Harumi is a programmable chatbot working in pair with open office, ready to use in english and french. It is available for the public since summer 2010. You have to edit some part of its memory in order to use it in english or any other language. It was programmed in Delphi and is able to learn from the user.
Harumi brain is very light at the beginning, almost empty in fact. When you write a sentence, Harumi ask you what you mean. The second sentence is then linked to the first one, except if the second sentence reminds her something else, in which case Harumi will link the first sentence to it. With time, this simple algorithm produces good results. Harumi will tend to have your personnality.

Nevertheless, Harumi was not only built as a chat experiment for turing test. From the beginning of the development, Harumi is a usefull program :
You can ask her for your appointments, phone numbers, adress, internet url, files repertory.... all of those informations are stocked in its mind, a file called memory.ods
You can ask her to translate words from english to french, or to seach for a file on a drive. It is possible for her to remind you things you have to do, or to record your feelings and randomly remind you sentences linked to your bad or good mood.
She's able to execute a program, to give you your ip and emac adress or to calculate an operation. As you can see, many windows functions can be replaced by Harumi.
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