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Virtual agents / Chatbots
in United States

List of all chatbots (virtual assistants, chat bot, conversational agents, virtual agents) in the World - Gestures - United States - Nonverbal signals in addition to to their textual responses
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Cloudia Cloudia welcomes potential clients on Cloud9realtime's Website.

After receiving an email invitation, Cloudia welcomes people directly in the virtual reception room and assist them in getting set-up in the cloud.

Cloudia’s mission is to lead people on the Web service and help them to discover the product with a personalized conversation.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Cloudius Cloudius greets the visitors a Virtual Support Center.

He is the "Cloud9 Guru", the personal assistant that assists users on the Cloud9 website.
They can ask any question they have about the Cloud9 application and services.

Cloudius missions are:

- to decrease the number of support calls
- to promote the discovery of the offer and servives provided by Cloud9 Real Time.

Cloudius include the following features:

- 3D Anamited Avatar
- US English TTS
- HTML5 compatible interface
- All of Living Actor Assistant's features including full online administration and analytics, multi-contributors, white board for enriched answers...
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Sasha While Sasha’s primary mission is customer and technical support, she also gathers details on customer needs and product feedback for future enhancements. Additionally, she helps qualify customers for complementary products and services, increasing online subscription rates and improving customer satisfaction.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Sabina Sabina acts as a concierge on the V1 sites answering any/all questions. When she is unable to answer immediately, the questioner is asked if they'd like an answer-reply by email.

The avatar does not appear on until 1) the visitor clicks that they are over 21 yrs of age --a USA law-- and 2) there is a short delay of 8-10 seconds before the avatar will appear on the home page. Rest assured, 'Sabina' will appear!
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Ask Holmes Holmes is the newest "digital" employee at noHold. The Virtual Assistant lives on noHold's website, is part of the Twitter page, and is live on Facebook - Holmes' job at noHold is to answer questions about products and services, as well as provide answers about location, corporate background, etc. Holmes will serve as noHold's social media ambassador, and is in a continuous training program. Soon, Holmes will be able to speak other languages and fetch information outside of noHold.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Emily "Emily" acts as a friendly-river guide for online customers searching for their ideal outdoor vacation. Offering whitewater rafting adventures, the animated Virtual Assistant verbally explains package deals and trip requirements such as the rapids' class levels.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Sylvie Sylvie was one of the conversational characters in the Dark Design game running on the RayGun platform. Sylvie and her three compatriots, Friz, Thomas and Jil used a Chat-L based chatbot and were the first conversational characters on the iPhone. RayGun was also the first multi-user virtual world platform on the iPhone. The Dark Design game used conversational characters to pass on key information to help the game player to solve a mystery. The chatbot server was built by Bruce Wilcox. Avatar personas were developed by Sue Wilcox. Avatars were created by Christian Pramuk and animated by David Colleen.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Friz Friz was one of the conversational characters in the Dark Design game running on the RayGun platform. Friz and his three compatriots, Sylvie, Thomas and Jil used a Chat-L based chatbot and were the first conversational characters on the iPhone. RayGun was also the first multi-user virtual world platform on the iPhone. The Dark Design game used conversational characters to pass on key information to help the game player to solve a mystery. The chatbot server was built by Bruce Wilcox. Avatar personas were developed by Sue Wilcox. Avatars were created by Christian Pramuk and animated by David Colleen.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Thomas Thomas was one of the conversational characters in the Dark Design game running on the RayGun platform. Thomas and his three compatriots, Sylvie, Thomas and Jil used a Chat-L based chatbot and were the first conversational characters on the iPhone. RayGun was also the first multi-user virtual world platform on the iPhone. The Dark Design game used conversational characters to pass on key information to help the game player to solve a mystery. The chatbot server was built by Bruce Wilcox. Avatar personas were developed by Sue Wilcox. Avatars were created by Christian Pramuk and animated by David Colleen.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Jil Jil was one of the conversational characters in the Dark Design game running on the RayGun platform. Jil and her three compatriots, Sylvie, Thomas and Friz, used a Chat-L based chatbot and were the first conversational characters on the iPhone. RayGun was also the first multi-user virtual world platform on the iPhone. The Dark Design game used conversational characters to pass on key information to help the game player to solve a mystery. The chatbot server was built by Bruce Wilcox. Avatar personas were developed by Sue Wilcox. Avatars were created by Christian Pramuk and animated by David Colleen.
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