The avatar does not appear on v1vodka.com until 1) the visitor clicks that they are over 21 yrs of age --a USA law-- and 2) there is a short delay of 8-10 seconds before the avatar will appear on the home page. Rest assured, 'Sabina' will appear!
NEWS: Chatbots.org survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..
Virtualyty since May 2012 in English, Web, Branded conversations, Cooking, Customer service, Facial expressions, Gestures, Sales, Speech synthesis, Text recognition, Text synthesis, Avatar, Commercial | by
noHold since May 2012 in English, Web, Customer service, Electronics & hardware, Text recognition, Faceless, Commercial | by
Creative Virtual since Apr 2012 in English, Web, Branded conversations, Customer service, Electronics & hardware, Text recognition, Avatar, Commercial | by
noHold since Apr 2012 in English, Web, Customer service, Electronics & hardware, Text recognition, Faceless, Commercial | by
Pandorabots since Apr 2012 in English, Web, Education, learn & lookup, Social, Speech recognition, Text recognition, Text synthesis, Faceless, Commercial | by
Devyn Collier Johnson since Mar 2012 in English, Web, Speech synthesis, Text recognition, Text synthesis, Faceless, Research | by
Virtualyty since Mar 2012 in English, Web, Branded conversations, Speech synthesis, Text recognition, Text synthesis, Avatar, Commercial | by
Creative Virtual since Feb 2012 in English, Web, Branded conversations, Customer service, Finance & legal, Text recognition, Avatar, Commercial | by
Zabaware since Jan 2012 in English, Web, Branded conversations, Government, Proof of Concept, Text recognition, Picture, Commercial | by
Fred Beckhusen since Jan 2012 in English, Web, Facial expressions, Proof of Concept, Social, Speech synthesis, Text recognition, Text synthesis, Animated avatar, Amateur | by