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Virtual Assistant Directory

List of all chatbots (virtual assistants, chat bot, conversational agents, virtual agents) in the World - Virtual Assistant

Assistent Virtual Energia a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Gas Natural Fenosa

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Assistent Virtual Energia L'Assistent Virtual de Gas Natural Fenosa, multinacional energètica líder del sector del gas a Espanya, ajuda als usuaris a trobar informació i resoldre preguntes amb les seves pròpies paraules, en llenguatge natural.

Asistente Virtual Enerxía a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Gas Natural Fenosa

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Asistente Virtual Enerxía O Asitente virtual de Gas Natural Fenosa axuda aos usuarios a atopar información e resolver preguntas coas súas propias palabras, en linguaxe natural.

Virtual Assistant Energy a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Gas Natural Fenosa

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Virtual Assistant Energy The Virtual Assistant of Gas Natural Fenosa helps users find information and solve all kind of questions using their own words, in Natural Language.

Gas Natural Fenosa, one of the ten largest European energy multinationals leading in vertical integration of gas and power in Spain, through the search box using Inbentas Natural Language technology, helps users who can ask questions in their own words.

Kathy a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Polish Airlines LOT

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Kathy Kathy is a virtual stewardess on the website of Polish Airlines LOT. Kathy answers the customers questions and presents services and products offered by LOT.
Kathy is an interactive guide supported by state-of-the-art AI technologies, with a dedicated dynamic knowledge base of more than 2,000 question options in natural language. The dialog is promoting key information related to the company and air travel.

YourDa a chatbot / virtual assistant representing PQ Finance

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent YourDa Yourda is een virtuele hypotheekadviseur. Zij is een robot voor het Internet, gespecialiseerd in hypotheken. U kunt haar 24 uur per dag en 7 dagen in de week vragen stellen. Door middel van een livechat kunt u direct uw vragen stellen aan een reallife adviseur. Ook kunt u Yourda toevoegen aan uw vriendenlijst in Windows Live Messenger.

Katarzyna a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Polskie Linie Lotnicze LOT

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Katarzyna Katarzyna to wirtualna stewardessa na stronie firmy Polskie Linie Lotnicze LOT. Katarzyna udziela odpowiedzi na pytania zadawane przez klientów i pomaga w uzyskaniu odpowiedzi na temat oferowanych przez LOT usług i produktów. Dzięki temu klient PLL LOT może dowiedzieć się jakie są limity bagażu, czy może ze sobą zabrać rower na pokład, czy też zadać inne pytania związane z podróżą.

Vicky a chatbot / virtual assistant representing INPS

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Vicky VICKY l'assistente virtuale di INPS. Dovrebbe fornire aiuto sulle tematiche legate al TFR. Richiede un plugin particolare CrazyTalk ( che sembra disponibile solamente per Internet Explorer.
Anche se è presente un campo libero, Vicky funziona solamente come interfaccia audio-video di una navigazione tradizionale: inserendo delle domande libere infatti si viene mandati su una pagina di errore.
review by Roberto Gilli -
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Eva Virtual Assistant Eva describes Indisys and its technology. She is constantly acquiring experience and information. Eva can show you many useful information on Indisys web site.

Expired Virtual assistant a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Lloyds TSB

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Virtual assistant Lloyds TSB, one of the UK's largest and most respected banks, employs a non-avatar Virtual Assistant on their main website. One way users can launch the pop-up is to enter their question into the box on the Help Page and click "Ask".

Due to company rebranding, this virtual assistant was decommissioned in October 2013 and replaced by two new systems launched the previous month for Lloyds Bank and TSB Bank.

Mo a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Motability Operations

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Mo Motability Operations currently uses three separate V-Person™ solutions: one for Customers available on the Motability Operations website, one for Dealers providing them with information on cars as well as scooters and powered chairs, and one for Advisors designed specifically for the internal helpdesk. In 2010 the highly successful Ask Mo virtual assistants got a new look with a range of template updates.

Through the utilisation of customer service/promotional areas, a unique branding has been created for each Ask Mo implementation. Motability Operations has incorporated clickable banners and content sensitive images to produce an even more user-friendly experience for each of their installs.
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