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Virtual Assistant Directory

List of all chatbots (virtual assistants, chat bot, conversational agents, virtual agents) in the World - Virtual Assistant

Assistent Virtual Govern Catalunya a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Ajuntament de Sabadell

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Assistent Virtual Govern
Catalunya L' Assistent Virtual de l'Ajuntament de Sabadell ajuda als usuaris a trobar informació i resoldre preguntes amb les seves pròpies paraules, en llenguatge natural.

Quan el ciutadà accedeix a una institució a través de la pàgina web és perquè té una pregunta, alguna cosa que no sap fer o de la qual necessita informació i, per això, cal orientar-lo. Amb l’eina basada en llenguatge natural d’Inbenta, les institucions proporcionen als ciutadans i clients les respostes més adequades a les seves qüestions de manera ràpida i satisfactòria. Poder fer-ho amb les seves paraules i des de qualsevol lloc supera les barreres de la comunicació. A la vegada, aquestes eines proporcionen el coneixement exacte a cada institució sobre què necessiten els usuaris i quan ho necessiten. És la unió perfecta entre una solució tecnològicament molt potent i la senzillesa necessària.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent BBVA Portugal BBVA Portugal ha incorporado un asistente para fomentar el uso del canal online. Los principales objetivos del asistente son ayudar a sus clientes a realizar operativas y encontrar la información de manera simplificada. El asistente además tiene la opción de conectar con otros canales de ayuda (chat online) en caso de no saber lo consultado. Lo ventajoso de este complemento es que al asistente real del chat online se le entrega la conversación previa con el asistente virtual, por lo que el cliente no tiene que volver a escribir su consulta.

Virtual assistant a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Waterstone

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Virtual assistant The Virtual Assistant on the Waterstone's website can not only be launched from their homepage, but also from the What's New and Daily News pages.

User comfort is created by incorporating the Waterstone's logo into the interface.

This Virtual Assistant is able to recognise when users are asking for specific book topics and direct them to the correct subject pages. For example, if you ask 'books on roses' you will be directed to the Home and Garden categories page while asking 'books on football' will bring up the link for the Sports categories page.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Adam Adam to wirtualny doradca GETIN Banku. Adam opowiada o banku oraz jego produktach. Został wyposażony w wiedzę zarówno na temat oferty dla klientów indywidualnych (kredyty, pożyczki, depozyty), jak i instytucjonalnych (np. factoring).

Paige a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Virtual Zone

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Paige Paige is ready to answer your questions about Virtual Assistants and more. If you would like Paige to provide you with a demo of what a VA can do for your organisation, please get in touch!
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Knud Hej! Jeg hedder Knud, og jeg kan svare på spørgsmål om Odense Kommune.

Expired Shak a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Milton Keynes Council

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Shak Milton Keynes Council have given their V-Person™ systems, Ask Shak and Ask Jo, another upgrade by intergrating Google search functionality. When a user asks a question or enters a keyword, Shak and Jo search both the V-Person knowledgebase and the Milton Keynes Council website for matches. Results of the site search are displayed in the 'Search Results' tab at the bottom of the template and, when no matches are found in the virtual assistant knowledgebase, in a page loaded in the background. This integration means that visitors to the Council's website are now able to find the answers to all their queries with the ease of one user friendly interface.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Ewa Ewa - Wirtualny Doradca posiada największą bazę wiedzy specjalistycznej jaką do tej pory wprowadziliśmy. Baza wiedzy Ewy obejmuje kilkadziesiąt tysięcy faktów dotyczących firm informatycznych i telekomunikacyjnych działających na polskim rynku. Ponadto Wirtualny Doradca zrealizowany dla Migut Media posiada wiedzę podstawową na temat wydawnictwa i jego oferty.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Carrie Mothercare is improving the customer experience on its website with the launch of Ask Carrie, an interactive virtual assistant. Ask Carrie delivers fast, accurate answers to queries across the Mothercare website. Customers are able to ask questions directly using the system without the need to call or email the Mothercare contact centre. Ask Carrie also ensures faster access to the wide range of parenting information and resources on the Mothercare website. By allowing customers to search using everyday language it ensures that the Mothercare website remains a primary destination for parents.
The Ask Carrie persona was created to provide an approachable and engaging figure for customers and was launched as part of the major redesign of the Mothercare website. This also includes improved online product search, a wider range of content, and bigger, brighter product images all designed to deliver an improved customer journey.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Anna Anna is IKEAs virtual assistant. Anna answers questions about IKEA products, prices, sizes, delivery, spare-parts, opening hours etc. and opens related pages in a browser window. Furthermore, Anna knows when your local IKEA restaurant is open and what they serve for lunch! She also answers simple but personal questions like 'what's your name?' On top, she shows emotions, for example if she couldn't find information you are looking for.
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