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Conversational Agent Directory

List of all chatbots (virtual assistants, chat bot, conversational agents, virtual agents) in the World - Conversational Agent
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Matt The best way to learn English is to chat with real people. But often people are very busy. Now you have a great talkative friend in your phone. His name is Matt. He is always happy to meet people from all over the world. He is interested in many things. Just start talking to him and he will find a topic that will be interesting for both you and him.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Wikifriend Wikifriend combina la business intelligence con l'intelligenza artificiale e crea agenti di conversazione che dialogano con la voce dei marchi. Creiamo un servizio clienti futuro.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Fleur Fleur weet alles over Otto. Ze helpt op het gebied van klantenservice en geeft advies tijdens het bestelproces. Fleur helpt klanten ook verder door een lijst met veelgestelde vragen aan te bieden
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Wirtualny rzecznik kandydatów
na prezydenta RP Jeśli chcesz znać podstawowe informacje na temat kandydatów na prezydenta (Jarosława Kaczyńskiego, Waldemara Pawlaka, Janusza Korwin-Mikkego, Grzegorza Napieralskiego, Andrzeja Olechowskiego, Bronisława Komorowskiego), poznać ich poglądy oraz dowiedzieć się dlaczego właśnie jeden z nich powinien zostać wybrany na Urząd Prezydenta RP, porozmawiaj z Wirtualnym Rzecznikiem. Wirtualny rzecznik prasowy przedstawia, jakie kandydaci mają zdanie na temat Unii Europejskiej, bezpieczeństwa kraju, obecności Polski w Afganistanie i polskiego rolnictwa. Można także poznać ich opinię na temat swoich kontrkandydatów. Dla wszystkich kandydatów na prezydenta są takie same pytania, dzięki czemu można łatwo porównać poglądy polityków.

Mona a chatbot / conversational agent representing iNago

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Mona Mona is the proof of concept of Japanese company iNago.

Freudbot a chatbot / conversational agent representing The Centre for Psychology at Athabasca University

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Freudbot As a student you can engage in an online conversation with Freudbot, who is capable of discussing a range of personal and psychological topics.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Rachael Repp This is a first attempt at a general cognition system. The input is first converted into Basic English of 1,000 semantically-tagged words and mapped on to a multivariate space in order to achieve spatial proximity as a function of semantic similarity. It is currently capable of 6 logic operations: equivalence, similarity, induction, deduction, abduction and metaphor. It is able to learn from free unstructured text and improve upon itself.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Angel Angel is a proof of concept of the French chatbot developer As An Angel. As a conversational agent, Angel plays the role of a young lady on a dating site in the SimDate game. SimDate is a Game of Seduction through dialog with AI.

Akemi a chatbot / conversational agent representing DH-Solutions - Salvador Martinez

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Akemi Akemi es una aplicación basada en diálogo real que cuenta con IA (Inteligencia artificial), es capaz de sostener una conversación con el usuario de manera inteligente, reconoce los comentarios y preguntas del usuario, es capaz de realizar cuestionamientos y dar respuestas coherentes, capaz de aprender nuevos términos y preguntas, le permite encontrar toda la información que requiera, cuenta con una amplia gama de conocimientos y sus diccionarios crecen día tras día, Una pregunta. Una respuesta. Un problema resuelto.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Jeeney A.I. Jeeney AI learns over time by comparing the information gathered from all of her visitors for statistical analysis. She's still young yet, but she is learning quite quickly.
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