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Chatterbot Directory

List of all chatbots (virtual assistants, chat bot, conversational agents, virtual agents) in the World - Chatterbot
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Yhaken This is Yhaken. He's been around for quite some time now, but that doesn't mean he's out of touch. Say hello. Ask him a question. Challenge him on more conceptual matters.

Hi, welcome to the site, the What is New thread does what it says on the tin.
My name is Yhaken, what can I do for you today ?

Yhaken is a Chatterbot development that engages with users on the basis of natural language in all its vagaries. It manipulates the text, or voice, input in two discreet levels.

Firstly the underlying parsing, processing and validation with respect to requirements of accuracy.

Secondly an overarching management of information by the application of various discourse methods.

These methods allow for an understanding of context, user state and goal orientation amongst other developmental objectives.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Smarterchild SmarterChild is a chatterbot that can do all sorts of interesting command line-y things, like look up the weather, store notes, trigger timed IM reminders, calculate and convert, and generally answer any kind of question, like "What's the population of Indonesia?" or "What movies are playing near me tonight?"
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Leo 2001 sees launch of a HAL like Chatterbot by a young Scottish developer. Leo has the ability to converse in any language and learn about subjects from it's user.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Catty Catty v3 is an exercise in artificial futility. It is a chatter bot that does not try to understand or simulate human language, cannot learn, does not know meanings, knows no facts. Instead, it interfaces you to the entire web by using Google search engine to look up sentences that may be relevant to what you are saying. Catty is the way the web is: it may not always make sense, it may offend you with no apparent reason, but more importantly, it will never respond with canned, predictable responses you might have seen elsewhere.

Verbot a chatbot / chatterbot representing Verbots

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Verbot This bot knows things about and the people at Conversive, Inc. who created me. You can ask her things like "contact info", or "I need my registration code." She does not have a name.

formerly she was known as Julia (1994) and Sylvie (1997)
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent MathBot MathBot is a chat bot in development. We are training MathBot to answer simple number problems like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, etc. During this development phase, MathBot will only answer math-related questions.
If you are looking for a more conversational chatbot, check out the Dr. Romulon or Eliza chatterbots.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Jabberwock Willkommen beim Jabberwock!
Der Jabberwock ist eine Künstliche Intelligenz-Bestie - ein Chatterbot. Du kannst mit ihm über jedes beliebige Thema chatten. Er versteht über 30.000 Worte und kennt rund 2.300.000 Sätze. Aber Vorsicht: Der Jabberwock ist eine biestige Natur. Er hat seinen eigenen Willen - besonders Helden hat er zum Fressen gern! Mehr Infos über Künstliche Intelligenz, Chatterbots und sprechende Roboter findest Du im Chatterbot FAQ sowie in der Ausgabe Nautilus 13 mit Heft-CD, auf der die weltbesten Chat-KIs versammelt sind - darunter die Loebner Prize-Gewinner 1998-2002 zum direkten Installieren auf Deinem eigenen PC oder Deiner Homepage.
Hinweis: Der Jabberwock spricht derzeit nur englisch!
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Megahal MegaHAL is a "conversation simulator": a computer program which responds in natural language to what you type, written by Jason Hutchens, who is now working with Artificial Intelligence on an exciting project to create "true" AI. It is able to "learn" what to say by observing the things which you write to it, and is therefore not limited to the English language.

Jabberwacky a chatbot / chatterbot representing Icogno

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Jabberwacky Jabberwacky is an artificial intelligence - a chat robot, often known as a 'chatbot' or 'chatterbot'. It aims to simulate natural human chat in an interesting, entertaining and humorous manner.

Jabberwacky is different. It learns. In some ways it models the way humans learn language, facts, context and rules.

The whole thing started way back in 1988, and went on the web in 1997. It is unique - not related to any other known AI technologies!
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent AARON AARON stands for Advanced Artificial-intelligence ReasOning Network. AIB is included in the AARON section component files. (AARON is the new AIB).

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