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Dumex a chatbot representing Dumex

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Dumex 多美滋金婴育儿博士是赢思软件为多美滋定制的MSN营销机器人。它能够为用户特别是年轻妈妈们提供多样强大而贴心的服务。妈妈们每天都有大量的育儿知识咨询的需求,例如宝宝不睡觉怎么办?宝宝拉肚子怎么办?这种问题非常多,而妈妈们不便于利用公司电话打800热线,800热线也打不通,网站内容繁多难找,网页搜索结果不具权威性,因此,MSN机器人以一问一答的方式符合了上班族的咨询需求,即时、快捷,还有多媒体演示,例如"如何给宝宝换尿布",在MSN对话框里文字说明不够直观,在MSN右侧多媒体平台可以以视频方式进行演示,生动而直观。由于妈妈们每天会主动和机器人聊天,因此,机器人通过完善的育儿知识库就可以吸引到大量的用户群体,在智能互动服务过程中实现品牌的传递和增强。

Mr E a chatbot representing Ecreation

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Mr E Deze chatbot is door Ecreation ontwikkeld. Het unieke aan deze webbased chatbot is, dat hij de website bezoeker helpt navigeren, bijvoorbeeld als een bezoeker praat over een bepaald onderwerp zal Mr E de juiste pagina naar voren halen. Ook vertelt hij wat over Ecreations personeel en klanten.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Sun Tzu - The Greybeards
Project The "Greybeards Project" is about designing virtual guides for virtual worlds that can help people in their journeys. They can be used as guides for your SIM, mentors, and for fully immersive training.

The first of these "Virtual Guides" is Sun Tzu who was demonstrated for the U.S. Joint Forces Command (USJFCOM) exhibit at MODSIM World on October 14-16, 2009 at the Virginia Beach Convention Center.

This project originally started using another platform for the chabot AI but Daden were approached as the client wanted a more advanced AI solution.

Sun Tzu is now using AI technologies from Daden inside Second Life. This advanced AI provides many capabilities for the use of automated avatars in virtual worlds for training and as
virtual guides including:

• Guided tours
• Avatar movements
• Teleportation
• Web scraping
• Emotion engine
• Instant messaging
• Twitter updates
• Ability to learn from the environment

The "web scraping" technology enables the Virtual Guide to respond to questions by scraping data off web services (like Wikipedia and others) to provide responses to questions.

Expired A.B.I. a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent A.B.I. A.B.I responds in natural language to what you type. She is able to "learn" what to say by analysing her conversation logs and by direct question/answers with visitors. During a conversation A.B.I will decide if she enjoys chatting to someone or not and will acknowledge what she deems negative or positive input.

Jo@net a chatbot representing Hospital Sant Joan de Deu

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Jo@net Hola! Soy Jo@net y estoy aqui para ayudarte navegar por los consejos de salut de kidshealthcare. Pregunta me alguna cosa, venga!

Fullgoal a chatbot representing Fullgoal

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Fullgoal 富国基金MSN机器人是中国基金行业首家推出的MSN互动服务机器人。富国基金MSN机器人能够以聊天互动的表现形式,生动便捷的为用户介绍各种基金产品的基础知识、理财知识规划、基金业务流程等,对用户起到教育和引导的作用。并通过机器人的即时、智能特性和多媒体表现能力,进一步提高用户贴近感和粘性。富国基金的注册用户,还能在机器人平台上直接进行基金的交易操作。
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Bing Master Quizzo powered by Bing search gives you the chance of winning great prizes on Britain's first online Messenger quiz! Battle against other quiz fans in a real-time online brain-fest. Join your host Bing Master and show off your knowledge, don't worry if you get stuck on a question, just use Bing search to find your answer. You'll get free emoticons just for playing. The winner will get a unique prize! Prizes change every week, varying from an Xbox 360 to a photo printer.

Maria a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Maria María es una amiga con el cuál puedes conversar en Español, mientras descubres aspectos de tu propia personalidad.

Ella tiene estudios de psicología y le gusta asistir a sus amigos a identificar su “Tipo de personalidad”, ya sea conversando de temas de su interés: música, cine, viajes, literatura, etc. o bien conduciendo un “Test de personalidad” basado en los estudios de C. Jung y en indicador de Myer-Briggs.

Disponible en todo momento, desde cualquier lugar, María es cálida y a veces hasta divertida, siendo una compañera segura como pocas con la cuál conversar.

María es el mayor proyecto “femenino” de PNL en idioma Español a escala mundial, el cuál incluye más de 65.000 categorías AIML. Ella puede comprender cientos de miles de expresiones incluyendo miles de errores de tipeo, ortográficos y gramaticales. Su especialización en “Tipos de Personalidad” está basada en los estudios de C. Jung y el indicador de Myer-Briggs utilizado por millones de personas en todo el mundo.

Cleverbot a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Cleverbot Cleverbot listens to his conversational partners and repeats in a very smart way.

Cleverbot is available on iPhone and iPad. The app costs a one-off $2.99, €2.39 or £1.79.

Expired Yildiz a chatbot representing PepsiCo Inc

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Yildiz adlı mikro sitede yarışmacı adaylarıyla sohbet eden Yıldız, yarışma kuralları hakkında bilgi verdi, yarışmacıların gerginliğini gidermeye çalıştı
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