NEWS: survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..

Chatbots on Web

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Iris Iris is de virtuele medewerkster van ANWB. ANWB leden kunnen 24 uur per dag bij haar terecht met vragen over Verzekeringen, Wegenwacht en Lidmaatschap. Iris is de online gids voor de leden van de ANWB op hun reis over de website. Ze helpt de leden om hun weg te vinden naar de ingelogde omgevingen ‘Mijn ANWB’ & ‘Mijn Verzekeringen’ om online alles te regelen.

Asesor Galicia a chatbot / virtual agent representing Banco Galicia

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Asesor Galicia El Asesor Galicia es el agente virtual del Banco Galicia, creado para centralizar la información de la compañía y brindar asesoramiento en cualquier momento y desde cualquier dispositivo. Responde a las preguntas de los clientes actuales sobre los productos, servicios y promociones y atiende a las consultas de los usuarios interesados en adquirir ofertas. Además es experto en comisiones, requisitos y documentación a presentar.

Personalidad: el asesor refleja el estilo formal y reservado de la compañía. Atiende las consultas con un trato amable y respuestas precisas, ayudando a los usuarios a encontrar fácilmente la información en la web.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Amy Ask Amy provides 24/7 support on the TalkTalk website. She can answer questions on TV, Mobile, Broadband, Moving Home, Online Safety and much more.

Belle a chatbot / virtual agent representing

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Belle Belle is friendly virtual assistant that reaches out to customers in the very exact moment of hesitation or questions.

Belle has a modest look&feel which is not aggressive as other chats and it provides answers for the most pending questions.

With more difficult questions, it automatically escalates to live chat.

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Oskar Oskar to Wirtualny Doradca Inkubatora STARTER oraz portalu Kreatywny Gdańsk. Udziela informacji o działalności Gdańskiej Fundacji Przedsiębiorczości. Odpowiada na pytania oraz prowadzi ciekawe dialogi.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Servicebot-3 Sou um robô desenvolvido para virtualização do atendimento, promovendo melhoria no nível de satisfação dos usuários, aumento da acessibilidade dos serviços de atendimento, padronização na prestação de serviços, também sou capaz de desenvolver dialogos inteligentes, onde posso realizar consultas, atualizar, validar e gravar dados em sistemas externos, executar transações e tomar decisões.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Javier Javier para Sustentum

Javier, un Agente Virtual desarrollado por BotGenes, trabaja como Asesor Virtual en Sustentum; organización que se especializa en la gestion estrategica de los sistemas de información y comunicaciones.

Él tiene estudios en Sistemas de Información, y disfruta dando información sobre los sevicios que ofrece Sustentum a los interesados.

Javier utiliza el "cerebro artificial" en idioma español más avanzado desarrollado por BotGenes con más de 400.000 reglas de decisión, lo cual le permite manejar miles de regionalismos, errores de tipeo, ortográficos y gramaticales, y contextualizar respuestas.

Él integra tecnologías de PLN, Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, con TTS, Texto a Voz, ofreciendo además de chat, audio streaming y un Avatar.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Vera Vera is de virtuele medewerker van Randstad. Randstad is wereldwijd een van de grootste bedrijven in de uitzendbranche. Vera helpt op de eerste plaats met het inloggen op de portal 'Mijn Randstad'.
Nadat de gebruiker is ingelogd helpt Vera onder andere met:
het indienen van loonbriefjes
ziek melden
aanbieden van vactures
vakantiedagen aanvragen

Amanda a chatbot representing Anglian Water

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Amanda Amanda is the virtual assistant for Anglian Water, the largest water and waste water company in England and Wales by geographical area. Keen to drive operational efficiencies, but also to provide great service, Anglian Water have introduced Amanda to their website to help their customers by answering questions about their water supply, payment options, special tariffs and more. She also helps users determine the correct course of action in the case of leaks and shortages. On top of that, she offers helpful navigational support on the website. Anglian Water have also utilised our own Live Chat product to ensure that enquiries that are best dealt with by their contact centre staff have an easy seamless escalation when someone is available to handle the enquiry.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Emily Launched in October 2012, "Ask Emily" is an Intelligent Virtual Assistant created by Next IT for financial-services provider SWBC. As one of its many services to lenders, SWBC ensures that items paid for with a loan are properly insured. If a lack of coverage is detected, SWBC contacts the borrower in a lender-branded letter, presenting options for rectifying the problem.

Prior to the introduction of “Ask Emily,” borrowers were directed to either a call center or a conventional website. With their new IVA, SWBC gives lenders a competitive advantage by allowing borrowers to resolve their insurance issues on their own time, 24/7, using natural-language conversation. Emily answers any insurance-related questions borrowers may have, allowing them to quickly return their loans to good standing and helping them maintain a positive relationship with the lending institution.
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