UPC to międzynarodowa firma, zajmująca się dostawcą usług telewizji kablowej, internetu i usług telefonicznych. Filia w Polsce powstała w 2000 r. i obecnie z jej usług korzysta ponad 1,437 mln abonentów.
NEWS: Chatbots.org survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..
Stanusch Technologies since Oct 2015 in English, Web, Telecoms & utilities, Text recognition, Search box, Commercial | by
Stanusch Technologies since Apr 2015 in English, Web, Finance & legal, Gestures, Text recognition, Text synthesis, Avatar, Commercial | by
Stanusch Technologies since Feb 2015 in English, Web, Facial expressions, Finance & legal, Text recognition, Text synthesis, Avatar, Commercial | by
Stanusch Technologies since Dec 2014 in English, Web, Culture, Facial expressions, Gestures, Text recognition, Text synthesis, Avatar, Commercial | by
Stanusch Technologies since Dec 2014 until Jan 2015 in English, Web, Facial expressions, Finance & legal, Gestures, Sales, Speech recognition, Speech synthesis, Text recognition, Text synthesis, Avatar, Commercial | by
Stanusch Technologies since Nov 2014 in English, Web, Facial expressions, Gestures, Government, Text recognition, Text synthesis, Avatar, Commercial | by
Stanusch Technologies since Oct 2014 until Oct 2014 in English, Web, Body health, Facial expressions, Gestures, Sales, Speech recognition, Speech synthesis, Text recognition, Text synthesis, Avatar, Commercial | by
Stanusch Technologies since Sep 2014 in English, Web, Culture, Facial expressions, Gestures, Text recognition, Text synthesis, Avatar, Commercial | by
Stanusch Technologies since Sep 2014 in English, Web, Facial expressions, Gestures, Speech synthesis, Text recognition, Text synthesis, Trade, Video, Commercial | by
Stanusch Technologies since Aug 2014 until Dec 2014 in English, Web, Facial expressions, Finance & legal, Gestures, Knowledge management, Speech recognition, Speech synthesis, Text recognition, Text synthesis, Avatar, Commercial | by