NEWS: survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..

Trade Chatbots

List of all chatbots (virtual assistants, chat bot, conversational agents, virtual agents) in the World - Trade - Mail, packages, auctions, auction snipers, trading, individual services, price comparisons

Sonia a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Sonia I am sonia, Indian chatbot. I can help you to save money by giving coupons and offers from top online shops, just by chat. Sounds good ?

Rewardy a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Rewardy Discover Apps & Earn Cash Rewards.
Easy way to make money on your daily commute

Yamuda a chatbot representing Coolblue

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Yamuda Deze chatbot kan vragen beantwoorden over producten die bij CoolBlue zijn besteld, maar ook andere praktische vragen.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Kip Kip is a chatbot that helps you save time by doing all the shopping for you and your team. Just tell the bot what you’re looking for, and Kip will find and buy it for you.

Buying for a large team? Easy! Add Kip to group channel and use @Kip to find items that everyone needs and get it for your team in a single click. No more collecting individual orders, and copy-pasting results.

Message Kip directly for personal shopping. Compare products by price and reviews, refine your item choices and find the perfect match to what you are looking for.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Adam Zaimplementowane rozwiązanie na stronie spółki Zetkama, to jedno z najciekawszych wdrożeń Stanusch Technologies. Zetkama jest jednym z największych producentów armatury przemysłowej w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej. Wdrożona na jej firmowej stronie wyszukiwarka semantyczna współpracująca z Wirtualnym Doradcą, ułatwia klientom znalezienie poszukiwanego produktu, na przykład zaworu o odpowiednich parametrach (średnicy i ciśnieniu nominalnym) w oparciu o informacje pozyskane od klienta.

Jim a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Saferwholesale

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Jim Jim is a Virtual Assistant in the leading Chicago - based store with sport equip. deals. When the team is sleeping or busy, he collects the leads. When the team is behind their desks, Jim is helping shoppers with their selections. He is using the C2C - click to call feature, escalating conversation to call center
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Dasha Dasha jest Wirtualnym Doradcą firmy Fuitch. Strona jest w pełni poświęcona sztucznej inteligencji. Dasha wie, jak zakupić bota bądź jak go zmodernizować. Wirtualna Asystentka jest wzbogacona w wiedzę z zakresu AI oraz Wirtualnych Doradców. Jest chętna do pomocy 24/7.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Wirtualny Doradca dla
Kupujących PayU obsługuje systemy płatności internetowych, na platformie Allegro. Wirtualny Doradca pomaga kupującym w przypadku problemów z płatnościami.

Virtual Assistant a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Seur

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Virtual Assistant El Asistente Virtual de Seur ayuda a los usuarios a encontrar información y resolver preguntas con sus propias palabras, en lenguaje natural.

Sara a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Correos

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Sara Sara is the Virtual Assistant of Correos, the Spain's Postal Service, and she helps users find information and solve all kind of questions using their own words, in Natural Language.

This new Virtual Assistant for the website of Correos, the national Postal Service of Spain, is an animated avatar based on the technology of semantic search of Inbenta. The Assistant provides unique, precise answers and is able to understand user questions in five different languages: Spanish, Catalan, Galician, Basque and English.
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