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News & gossip Chatbots

List of all chatbots (virtual assistants, chat bot, conversational agents, virtual agents) in the World - News & gossip - Stay connected with what’s happing in society, news updates and celebrities.

Expired Susan a chatbot / virtual agent representing Whommunity

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Susan Virtual Agent Susan answers the questions of the users of the Whommunity website. It introduces new members and help them benefit from joining Whommunity. The powerful search engine and auto-complete features make talking to this Virtual Agent a satisfying, value-adding experience.

Virtual assistant a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Waterstone

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Virtual assistant The Virtual Assistant on the Waterstone's website can not only be launched from their homepage, but also from the What's New and Daily News pages.

User comfort is created by incorporating the Waterstone's logo into the interface.

This Virtual Assistant is able to recognise when users are asking for specific book topics and direct them to the correct subject pages. For example, if you ask 'books on roses' you will be directed to the Home and Garden categories page while asking 'books on football' will bring up the link for the Sports categories page.

Kate Carver a chatbot representing Grimsby Telegraph

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Kate Carver A virtual newsreader is the newest recruit to the web-site of the Grimsby Telegraph. Developed by Virtual Character consultants, Daden Limited, the talking avatar reports current news stories for newspaper's online edition.

Called "Kate", the assistant is based on "chatbot" technology created by Daden Limited. Kate takes advantage of latest web-delivered text-to speech and animated avatar technology to report on the most recent headlines and breaking news at Grimsby Telegraph's web site.

Chuck a chatbot representing MSN

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Chuck Chuck houdt van lekker weg te snacken nieuws, de heetste roddels en de vetste videos voor als je aan het chatten bent in Windows Live Messenger. Chuck zag het licht toen je met hem samen naar de eerste Live Earth concerten kon kijken. Je kunt Chuck van alles vragen. Als je zegt NIEUWS Brad Pitt, krijg al het laatste nieuws over deze filmster. Zeg je bijvoorbeeld FOTO Rihanna, dan krijg je de leukste foto's van Rihanna, welke je direct naar je schermafbeelding kunt slepen, zo pimp je je Messenger in no time. Ook kent Chuck alle leukste videootjes van MSN Video, probeer maar eens VIDEO Paris Hilton, voor wat vermaak.

GossipinGabby a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent GossipinGabby Gossipin Gabby is a gossip girll! You can read gossip, take a celebrity quiz, laugh at celeb quotes, be awed by celeb trivia, take a celeb survey, play celeb hangman or vote on a poll.

Expired Spleak a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Spleak Spleak is a 20 year-old virtual girl, born in France and now living in New York. She attends international studies at a university and works in a coffee shop in her spare time. She is a menu driven chatbot. She likes to talk about celebrities such as Ashlee Simpson and Jamie Lynn Spears

Nieuwskraker a chatbot representing Volkskrant

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Nieuwskraker De Nieuwskraker is de eerste Nederlandse brandbuddy. Het is als eerste direct en structureel (niet campagnematig) gekoppeld en aan een merk, in dit geval aan de Volkskrant. De nieuwskraker toont in de statusregel het laatste nieuws, toont het nieuws in de chatsessie en de chatter kan zoeken naar meer of ander nieuws door er naar te vragen. Daarnaast had de Nieuwskraker ook internationaal een primeur: het is wereldwijd de eerste news bot. De Volkskrant buddy geeft tekstberichten, geeft antwoorden op vragen en toont ook video in het activity window.

George a chatbot representing Jabberwacky

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent George Jabberwacky has created a chatbot, George, who learns during the conversation. It is therefor a bot who's functions are mainly used for chitchat. The particular thing is, that it imitates the development of language. George's first dialogue was the twenty-first of April, 2003.

Iniaes a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Iniaes If you want Iniaes to give you the weather in a certain place: Try "weather" followed by the city or code you want to look up. And if you want to have the latest headlines try to ask it something like "What's new?". You'll get a random headline from either CNN, the BBC, or ScienceDaily.

Iniaes is also available through instant messaging services. Jabber networks (such as Google Talk) through the following JID: ai AT iniaes DOT org
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