NEWS: survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..

Leisure Chatbots

List of all chatbots (virtual assistants, chat bot, conversational agents, virtual agents) in the World - Leisure - Entertainment, festivals, weekends, restaurants, bars, night clubs, having a night out etc.

Expired a chatbot representing,,

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent is a bot for Skype, AOL/AIM and MSN/Live messenger (and a Yahoo version very soon).
He helps you find movies, Actors, producers, DVD titles, DVD prices, and so on, including the latest movie news.
MrMovie is also provided on a mobile website:

Artemis a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Artemis The Artemis chatbot is a downloadable bot, whose funcion is based on pattern recognition. To use it, type your comment in the input box that appears, and afterwards press "Enter" or click on "OK". To exit, leave the input box blank and press "Enter" or click on "OK".

Artemis can play three games: Hangman, guess-the-number and rock-paper-scissors. Knows 193 country capitals. Can tell information such as date, time, current month and use this information in appropriate sentences. Various other chatting abilities, including mixing colors, comparing sizes of some objects and countries etc.

Expired MovieScout a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent MovieScout MovieScout helps you find shows, theatres and show times near you. As soon as you start the dialog it will ask your zip code and then it will show a menu where you can find show times and movies.

Expired a chatbot representing,, Maxx-XS, Belbios, Bol

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Via MrMovie kun je opvragen welke films er in de bioscoop spelen, waar en hoelaat. Hij bewaart wat je favoriete bioscopen zijn. Daarnaast kun je hem vragen wat er op TV is (incl filmoverzicht van de week), en geeft hij je meer informatie over films (incl. dvd prijzen).
MrMovie is tevens via een mobiele website toegankelijk (incl speciale versie voor iPhone):

Barbie Bot a chatbot representing Bella Vita Boat Club

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Barbie Bot Barbie Bot gives information about Bella Vita Boat Club.

James a chatbot / virtual assistant representing UK roof lights

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent James Hello, I'm James. I'm your virtual online assistant. You can ask me about our products and services of UK rooflights. I am available 24/7

If I can not answer your question you can always email UKrooflights
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Madama Lucrezia This chatbot is one of Rome's famous talking statues, Madama Lucrezia, which stands on the corner of Palazzetto Venezia in piazza San Marco. She probably represents Isis as she was taken from a temple dedicated to this goddess.

Madama Lucrezia was created for the Interact 2005 Workshop On Abuse: The Darker Side of Human-Computer Interaction. Co-Chairs of this workshop was Antonella de Angeli, Sheryl Brahnam and Peter Wallis.

love agent a chatbot representing Personalityforge

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent love agent "I'll hook you up with a great guy!"
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Jabberwock Willkommen beim Jabberwock!
Der Jabberwock ist eine Künstliche Intelligenz-Bestie - ein Chatterbot. Du kannst mit ihm über jedes beliebige Thema chatten. Er versteht über 30.000 Worte und kennt rund 2.300.000 Sätze. Aber Vorsicht: Der Jabberwock ist eine biestige Natur. Er hat seinen eigenen Willen - besonders Helden hat er zum Fressen gern! Mehr Infos über Künstliche Intelligenz, Chatterbots und sprechende Roboter findest Du im Chatterbot FAQ sowie in der Ausgabe Nautilus 13 mit Heft-CD, auf der die weltbesten Chat-KIs versammelt sind - darunter die Loebner Prize-Gewinner 1998-2002 zum direkten Installieren auf Deinem eigenen PC oder Deiner Homepage.
Hinweis: Der Jabberwock spricht derzeit nur englisch!
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent MarkBot You may be chatting with Mark.... or maybe a bot emulating Mark. It is up to you to decide and it could be either at any given time! My own version of the Turing Test, in fact, it is the first real web-based Turing Test.

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