NEWS: survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..

Environmental Chatbots

List of all chatbots (virtual assistants, chat bot, conversational agents, virtual agents) in the World - Environmental - Natural environment, ecology, world climate, flora & fauna
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Singapore Weather Bot Built by, this is a demo weather bot that tells you the current weather, weather forecast and pollutant standards index level in different locations in Singapore

The bot uses Live weather API by the National Environment Agency in Singapore

Poncho a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Poncho Weather forecasting bot in cat shape. You can always ask for weather details or a forecast based on your location. Another option is to have Poncho send forecasts on specific times of day, e.g. 9:00 AM. It uses a repertoire of funny remarks and phrases.

A developer API is available.

Bella a chatbot / virtual agent representing Humanity Online

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Bella Bella giving custom weather reports

Lifeguard a chatbot representing Wereld Natuur Fonds

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Lifeguard Voor het Wereld Natuur Fonds (WNF) is een chatbot widget ontwikkeld in open social, die is ingezet op het sociale media platform Hyves. De chatbot, Lifeguard genaamd, zorgt voor meer naamsbekendheid en verkoop binnen de doelgroep. Gebruikers kunnen de widget toevoegen aan hun profiel om aan te tonen dat ze het WNF steunen. De chatbot kan een gewoon gesprek aan gaan met de gebruiker. Veranderingen aan de kennis worden aangebracht via het gebruiksvriendelijke Knowledge Management Systeem. Dit systeem geeft ook informatie over het aantal conversaties, berichten, gesprekken per dag en unieke gebruikers.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Nina The Selfservice Company hat pro bono für UNICEF ein Widget entwickelt, das nachhaltige Hilfe für Kinder auf den Weg bringen soll.

Wasser? Bildung? Ernährung? Gesundheit? Nina beantwortet kompetent Fragen, gibt Informationen und zeigt vielfältige Spendenmöglichkeiten auf. Sämtliche Produkte des UNICEF-Spendenshops sind durch eine Bildleiste mit Mouseover in Nina eingebunden, können also nutzerfreundlich sofort in Facebook ausgewählt werden. Durch einen Klick gelangen Interessierte mit dem ausgewählten Produkt in den Warenkorb des UNICEF-Spendenshops. Bei allem Komfort wurde auch an den Schutz der sensiblen Daten gedacht; die Abrechnung und Eingabe von persönlichen Informationen erfolgt auf den gesicherten Seiten des UNICEF-Spendenshops.

Wiktoria a chatbot / virtual assistant representing BuildDesk Polska

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Wiktoria Wiktoria to wirtualna asystentka przedstawiająca ofertę BuildDesk Polska, firmy konsultingowej i doradczej z dziedziny energetyki. Wiktoria odpowiada na pytania dotyczące oszczędności energii, certyfikacji i auditingu. Służy pomocą, radą i informacją w zakresie narzędzi i rozwiązań dedykowanych osobom związanym zawodowo z analizą, audytem i certyfikacją energetyczną.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Contact Us The Chegg Contact Us Agent provides instant customer service that's available 24/7. The intelligent virtual agent serves as the first point of contact for engagement across all customer service channels. Alone, it handles over 200,000 conversations per month and, through its dialog strategies, determines the appropriate channel to direct the customer. This service model matches the hectic schedules of Chegg's target user group, college students, while simultaneously assisting Chegg's customer service department in balancing customer service channels. Customers are able to get answers immediately and at a time that's most convenient for them even if the customer service department is closed.

Protected Ollie a chatbot / virtual agent representing The Woodland Trust

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Ollie Ollie is believed to be one of the most integrated deployments of Virtual Agent technology for the Woodland Trust.

With climate change and reducing carbon emissions well and truly on the agenda, Synthetix created a Virtual Agent to provide an end to end solution for the Woodland Trust to receive donations from its premier corporate partner.

Robo Ed a chatbot / conversational agent representing Conpet/ PETROBRAS - Brazil

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Robo Ed Olá! Meu nome é Ed, estou aqui para ajudar na preservação de energia e de outros recursos naturais. Sobre o que você quer conversar?
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