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Career & education Chatbots

List of all chatbots (virtual assistants, chat bot, conversational agents, virtual agents) in the World - Career & education - Schools, universities, classes, knowledge, skills and career development, jobs, career coaching

GoSchoolWise a chatbot representing

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent GoSchoolWise An EdTech chatbot to help high school counselors offload some of their work.

The website is a proof of concept and a B2C implementation. The chatbot is for high schools

SchoolWise harnesses the power of IBM Watson for college admissions. Learn about the schools beyond just numbers. Get to know the SchoolDNA and if the school is a good fit for you.

IBM Watson is a technology platform that uses natural language processing and machine learning to reveal insights from large amounts of unstructured data. - IBM
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Jobo This bots helps to monitor global job market. Users can search for jobs, subscribe for job alerts, create career profile and apply for jobs directly form the messenger.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Job Pal Pal helps browse and apply for jobs directly from within Facebook Messenger

You can directly find and apply for jobs through Facebook Messenger. It makes job searching much faster and smoother.

No sign-up or downloads required.

Start Chatting Now:

Monitor a chatbot representing Revere

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Monitor MonkeyWorks Monitor works with your marketing tools to deliver notifications and insights that help you catch important problems and always stay up to date.
We're so much more than a bot: Monitor uses artificial intelligence built for marketers, sending messages right to your Slack channel. Stop logging into each of your accounts to catch problems or view activity - set up our Monitor in minutes and start for free!

Tim a chatbot representing Timing

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Tim In 2007 maakten we de eerste chatbot voor Timing genaamd Tim.

In 2016 was het tijd voor een nieuwe website en ook voor een nieuwe en verbeterde versie van de chatbot. Deze nieuwe chatbot help bezoekers op de website met het vinden van een baan in een door hun aangegeven vakgebied en in de juiste regio.

*Timing maakt sinds 2013 ook gebruik van een intranet chatbot voor eigen personeel. Zij kunnen met behulp van de chatbot formulieren zoeken en werk gerelateerde vragen stellen.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent MonCompteFormation Mon Compte Formation est le site officiel du compte personnel de formation du service public. Le chat automatique est utilisé pour accompagner les employés et professionnels pour toutes leurs questions relatives à leurs droits, les formations éligibles, les démarches à effectuer, etc.

Cecile a chatbot / chat bot representing Pôle Emploi

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Cecile Créé en 2008 suite à la fusion entre l'ANPE et les Assedics, l'établissement est chargé de l'emploi en France. L'agent virtuel Cécile permet de traiter les questions des demandeurs d'emploi et des employeurs, pour l'accès et la gestion de leur espace personnel sur le site.

BOT+BOT a chatbot representing EGO

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent BOT+BOT Bot+Bot is a virtual assistant developed by EGO - branding & advertising agency which collects applicant's' contact information, finds out their professional skills, interests, and saves their CVs.

It works very simply. On the website, an applicant starts a short conversation with a chatbot instead of filling a standard contact form with dozens of fields or sending CV that will be analyzed by HR-managers. Bot+Bot gets the entire data from a phone number, email to interests and previous positions.

The chatbot integration is very fast, simple and doesn’t affect the website performance and loading time.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Tina Tina answers most frequently asked questions in 3 languages–English, Spanish, and French on Online-Trainers’ Website.

Tina reduces email and call volumes from clients and Web visitors.

Protected Tom a chatbot representing Dcol

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Tom Tom est l'assistant virtuel du CNED, présent sur le site D’Col depuis octobre 2013.
Accessible depuis les leçons et exercices, il aide les élèves de 6ème en difficultés en mathématiques, anglais et français.
A la suite de plusieurs phrases incomprises, ou si l’élève en fait la demande, la conversation peut être transférée à un tuteur, qui pourra répondre aux incompréhensions les plus complexes, instantanément en live-chat.
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