NEWS: survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..

Body health Chatbots

List of all chatbots (virtual assistants, chat bot, conversational agents, virtual agents) in the World - Body health - Doctors, hospitals, therapies, medicine, massage, alternative treatme

Antonio a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Dialobot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Antonio Una sorta di impiegato virtuale. Questo chatbot risponde alle domande legate al mondo degli anziani di Trieste. Offre informazioni su l'assistenza agli anziani, associazioni, sanità, aiuto economico ecc.

Paolo a chatbot representing Dialobot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Paolo Un erborista virtuale. Un chatbot che fornisce consigli legati all'erboristeria e alla cura con le erbe. Inserendo il proprio disturbo si riceve, come risposta, una cura naturale (tisane, infusi ecc.). In alternativa è possibile inserire l'erba o la pianta di cui si vogliono sapere le capacità curative.

Dr. Electric a chatbot representing Medical Tribune

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Dr. Electric Dr. Electric ist ein Medizin-Archivar & Plauder-Roboter. Er unterhält sich gerne mit Menschen und macht sie schlau.

Koen a chatbot representing VGZ

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Koen Koen beantwoordt vragen over veilig vrijen, gezondheid, sporten, voeding en over verzekeren. Je kunt ook leuke testjes met Koen doen zoals de koffiequiz in of de veilig vrijentest. Ook maakt Koen gebruik van het zogenaamde activity window.

Talktofrank a chatbot representing TalkToFrank

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Talktofrank The Talk to FRANK Bot is a fully automated Windows Live Agent designed to give young people information on drugs from content supplied by FRANK, the national drug information and advice service. Information.

Expired Sara a chatbot / virtual assistant representing DKV Seguros

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Sara Your health care specialist Sara
At DKV Seguros Website, the Spanish daughter of the DKV (Deutsche Kranken Versicherung), Interactive Assistant Sara functions as a simultaneous host, consultant, navigator and search engine. Among her many capabilities she can, if asked, list physicians and hospitals, search for a nearby pharmacy, look up technical terms in a health encyclopaedia, work out a health plan together with the user and offer advice about the products of DKV Seguros or answer general health questions. She also assists in filling out formulas and can refer interested customers, along with the dialogue transcript and contact data via Email, to the contact centre.

Dr. Romulon a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Dr. Romulon The Dr. Romulon chatbot is now IN. Please feel free to chat with the Doctor. He is prepared to pontificate upon any subject. What do you want to talk about today?
This chatbot is based on the ALICE artificial intelligence chat platform. Unlike the Eliza chatbot, this bot has a larger set of responses. But the Doctor does have a very poor memory.

Toni a chatbot representing Discapnet

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Toni Bienvenido/a a la Web de Discapnet, yo seré tu ayudante para navegar por esta web, así que cualquier cosa que necesites puedes recurrir a mí.

Sarah a chatbot representing eGain Corporation

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Sarah Sarah is a spunky, energetic robot who also happens to be eGain's very own Virtual Assistant. She can also be your company's chatbot too if you so choose! Here are some of the ways Sarah expresses herself as a chatbot. If you like the character, but find that there are specific animations that would make her more suited to your needs, request the animation be added to the collection!
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Racter Racter is an artificial intelligence simulator from 1984. Similar to Eliza, Racter will converse with the user until boredom occurs. However, there's a twist - Racter is not quite sane! This makes for a lot of fun conversation.

Racter was originally programmed on an early Apple computer.
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