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Video Chatbots

Clara a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Inbenta

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Clara Clara és l'Assistent Virtual de la nopstra empresa fundada el 2005 a Barcelona, una companyia especialitzada i líder en Processament del Llenguatge Natural i en Cerca Semàntica.

D'ençà de la seva creació, inbenta ha dedicat grans esforços en desenvolupar tècniques de lingüística computacional, tecnologies web, soluciones d'atenció al client i estratègies de màrqueting en línia. Fou a partir d’aquestes quatre competències que la seva oferta de serveis i solucions evolucionà en el temps fins a finalment acomplir les expectatives dels grans comptes web i intranet d’avui en dia.

Clara a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Inbenta

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Clara Clara, is the Virtual Assistant of our own company founded in 2005 in Barcelona, Inbenta, leading company specialized in Natural Language Processing and Semantic Search.

Since its creation, Inbenta has put a lot of effort into developing skills in computational linguistics, web technologies, customer service solutions, and online marketing strategies. It was through these four key competencies that their offer of services and solutions evolved over time until finally achieving the main expectations of key accounts’ website and intranet nowadays.

Clara a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Inbenta

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Clara Clara es el Asistente Virtual de nuestra empresa fundada en 2005 en Barcelona, inbenta, una compañía especializada y líder en Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural y en Búsqueda Semántica.

Desde su creación, inbenta ha dedicado grandes esfuerzos en desarrollar técnicas de lingüística computacional, tecnologías web, soluciones de atención al cliente y estrategias de marketing online. Fue a partir de estas cuatro competencias que su oferta servicios y soluciones evolucionó en el tiempo hasta finalmente alcanzar las expectativas de las grandes cuentas web e intranet de hoy.

Clara a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Inbenta

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Clara Clara est l'assistant virtuel de notre société créée en 2005 à Barcelona, inbenta, une société spécialisée dans l'interaction et la relation client sur internet et leader dans le Traitement du Langage Naturel et la recherche sémantique.

Depuis sa création, inbenta a su s'entourer et développer des compétences en linguistique informatique, technologies web, solutions de service clientèle et stratégies marketing en ligne. C'est à travers ces 4 compétences clefs que notre offre de service et de solution a évolué au fil du temps pour finalement s'adapter et satisfaire aujourd'hui les principales attentes des sites web et intranets de Grands Comptes.

Clara a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Inbenta

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Clara Clara é a assistente virtual da nossa empresa fundada em 2005 em Barcelona, inbenta, uma empresa especializada e líder em Processamento da Linguagem Natural e Busca Semântica.

Desde a sua criação, a inbenta dedicou-se muito ao desenvolvimento de habilidades em linguística computacional, tecnologias de web, soluções de atendimento ao cliente e estratégias online de marketing. Foi por meio dessas quatro competências chave que a sua oferta de serviços e soluções evoluiu ao longo do tempo para finalmente atender às principais expectativas das contas de website e intranet de hoje em dia

Bettini a chatbot representing Bettini Automobili

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Bettini Una assistente virtuale per un sito che vende automobili. Le risposte sono erogate con piccoli frammenti di filmati.

Expired The Perfect Boyfriend a chatbot representing Nine Entertainment Co (formerly PBL Media)

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent The Perfect Boyfriend Relax after a hard days work, the Perfect Boyfriend is here to listen and care. Created with the Perfect Girlfriend for PBL media.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Ewa Ewa to wirtualny doradca na stronie domowej firmy Stanusch Technologies. Zadaniem Ewy jest przekazywanie podstawowych informacji na temat firmy, jej produktów i stosowanych technologii. Umiejętności i wiedza Ewy to między innymi: obliczenia matematyczne, stolice różnych państw, podstawowe informacje na temat wielu miast Polski, znajomość różnych faktów historycznych. Ewa ma wbudowane definicje wielu słów i pojęć, potrafi tłumaczyć słowa z języka angielskiego na polski.

Expired MsDewey a chatbot representing Live search

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent MsDewey Ms. Dewey was a viral marketing campaign started by Microsoft in October 2006. It also refers to the character of the same name, who is the campaign's main subject. The Ms. Dewey website was an Adobe Flash-based experimental interface for Live Search. The interface features a modern-looking cityscape as a backdrop with the character on the left side, while the search results appear on the right. The cityscape backdrop changed depending on the time of day.

Developed by advertising agency, McCann-Erickson, San Francisco and digital content marketing firm, "EVB San Francisco", Ms. Dewey appeared to be an interactive search assistant who audibly commented on searched keywords in her own style and made random actions when idle, including taking props from behind her desk. The responses actually consisted of about 600 video clips recorded over a period of three days.

Microsoft did not overtly market the website, and appeared to be relying on media coverage to draw users in. Janina Gavankar played the role of the Ms. Dewey character.

At January 2009 the website became inactive.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent DEIRA DEIRA - Dynamic Engaging Intelligent Reporter Agent is a virtual horse race reporter, specifically designed for reporting on horse races. The intention is to provide an alternative for real race reporters. Usage and adaptation The system may be adapted in many ways. The face can easily be replaced, as long as it can be used by Visage Interactive. The voice can be generated by any text-to-speech generator. What events are generated and the corresponding sentences that can be uttered about that event can also easily be adjusted, since they are expressed in rules and grammars respectively. This means adapting the reporter to report on a different type of race should be an easy thing to do. Also, the system is designed in a very modular way, which should make other structural changes fairly straight-forward to make.

DEIRA has a large vocabulary, which is easily extendible to include even more. Emotional display is done by intonation of speech as well as physically in the face. The design was highly influenced by the opinions of potential users (in the case of horse race reporting), who were polled multiple times during development. The system is also easily adjustable for use in other kinds of races.

The provided horse race simulation software is used to provide input on the state of the race. DEIRA analyses this information and eventually sends the resulting utterance including emotional expression to the visual representation software Visage Interactive which in turn shows the agent reporting the race.

Within DEIRA, horse race information is received by the Race Analysis Module, which scans the changing race state for events that are possibly interesting to report. These events are then passed on to the Mental Model which adjusts the global mental state and adds a local mental state to the incoming events. The events are then queued in the Event Queue, making them available for the other modules.

The Text Generation Module takes the highest priority event without text and generates suitable sentences based on the grammar to describe it. The Speech Generation Module is responsible for making this text suitable for the text-to-speech engine, also adding the emotional aspects to the speech.

The Face Animation Module provides the corresponding facial expression information. When an event has obtained all the necessary information from these modules, the Output Module sends it all through to Visage.
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